Chronus External CS:GO- LegitBot, TriggerBot, ESP, Chams

  • Developer: crack by SubZero
  • Status:
  • Updated: 30.11.21
  • Current version: 1.0

Chronus External CS:GO- LegitBot, TriggerBot, ESP, Chams is available for free on our website, this is a private External cheat on CSGO that was sold on the hack market, but thanks to the user SubZero you can download this hack for free. A very simple cheat with a minimum of functions, but all the functionality is working and up-to-date. Using this cheat in the CSGO game, you will be able to see players through walls, your opponents will be displayed on the standard radar, your shooting will be much more accurate and faster, as well as a number of other additional features for a comfortable game.

This is a crack of the Chronus External hack and at the moment this cheat is not detected by the anti-cheat VAC, which will allow you to safely play on game servers and not get a game ban. Use this cheat while it works and increase your game rating.

Free Download Chronus External CS:GO- LegitBot, TriggerBot, ESP, Chams

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Comments: 2 Views: 4 168


  1. AntiCheatDog
    9 February 2022 04:36
    Quote: brawlhala

    how i can use this cheat?

    idk it says Enter Key Idk waht the key is

  2. brawlhala
    1 December 2021 11:35

    how i can use this cheat?

New Comments

That's right, it works for a while. I saved the cheat as 2 different files and assigned different keys to both (K - O). When it stops working I quickly open the other one, have a good game.

mowojis490 mowojis490

Mine doesn't open because i am missing a lot of Modules for some reason also the port is not running for some reason as wll. How were you able to run it if your python was missing a some modules or did yours just work.