Genesis CSGO Free Hack - LegitBot, ESP, Aimbot, TriggerBot

  • Developer: Milovanov
  • Status:
  • Updated: 01.03.23
  • Current version: beta

Genesis CSGO Free Hack - LegitBot, ESP, Aimbot, TriggerBot

Another free and safe Genesis cheat for CS:GO by developer Milovanov has been uploaded to the Internet. This is a completely legit hack with additional features that you will not find in other cheats. There is ESP, Aimbot, TriggerBot, RadarHack, grenade scattering, loading system and saving configs, and much more.

Genesis CSGO Free Hack Download

If you want to raise your CSGO game rank and just have a good time using the hidden features of the game, then use Genesis cheat for CSGO. In the future, the author wants to add RageBot features, but for now the cheat is safe and you will not get banned for it, so feel free to download it from our website and follow the updates, so as not to miss the actual version of the hack.

How To Use Genesis CSGO Free Hack

Use any working injector that will support the game CSGO (Section: Injectors)

The menu opens on the INS/INSERT key

Update Log

Rework chams (3 layers) + more materials
Rework misc tab (splited by subtabs)
Rework BOTS tab (aim, trigger, buy are subtabs now)
Improved glow feature (rather more settings)
Added Esp Box styling
Added Shot Delay settings
Added radio cpam
Added chat spam
Added clantag
Added recoil crosshair
Fixed freeze on config loading
Fixed Aim Bot working in menu
Minor Menu rework

Next Update: Inventory changer with previews, rework Aim Bot (Aiming method + add silent (silent and smoothing will work together, different 2 aimbots)) + menu update

Free Download Genesis CSGO Free Hack - LegitBot, ESP, Aimbot, TriggerBot

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Comments: 5 Views: 19 553


  1. Rai7274
    5 March 2023 18:36

    Crashes when you try joining a match

  2. furez
    5 March 2023 15:58

    i got the dll but its empty

  3. Rai7274
    5 March 2023 13:33

    It crashes the game ever time you load in a match -rep

  4. Lzsi11
    3 March 2023 13:11

    every time i join game with hacks my game crashes

  5. demoni player
    1 March 2023 20:51

    this is good one

New Comments
user991 user991

Got it to work by running with directx11 before launching the game. Steps to reproduce:

1. Start the Xenos Injector. Use manual launch and select the WuWa.dll image and Client.exe. Press inject. It should say awaiting for the Client-Win64-Shipping.exe process.

2. In the game launcher, select launch with DirectX 11 before launching then press Launch.

ScruffleBear41 ScruffleBear41

so did some testing today; this trainer is no longer active after updates. will not work through Epic or Hoyo. =) fun while it lasted for sure. 

Dorin4321 Dorin4321

I don't think so, i want to play it in fullscreen 4:3 stretched and i cant :/