• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


Only authorized users can download files. Please Log in or Register on the website.
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Comments: 19 335 Views: 5 414 426

19 335 comments

  1. LaughCheah
    27 August 2019 20:59
    Quote: LaughCheah
    Dude why dll don't work i use your injector from folder and nothing i have my windows defender off!
    The injector say injected,gave fun,but in game don't tell me the osiris has been injected can you help me

    Quote: not0mar
    When I open the injector as admin then I put the dll it says injected have fun and it won't show in the csgo.
    pls help

    Quote: LaughCheah
    Dude why dll don't work i use your injector from folder and nothing i have my windows defender off!
    The injector say injected,gave fun,but in game don't tell me the osiris has been injected can you help me

    Quote: Sazz
    Can someone help me ? I just got my new pc and when I inject any cheat, the menu of the cheat won't showing. But I can see the cheat is injected, the cheat just won't show.
    I have windows defender off and i don't have any antivirus instaled!Plz help me!

  2. MrKeno
    27 August 2019 20:46
    Which pass is at extract ? pls help !

  3. Zyodimin
    Real Cheater
    27 August 2019 19:14
    A suggestion, i think you can add the Grenade prediction. But its just a suggestion, this cheat is very good  heart_eyes 

    1. Planch
      27 August 2019 19:40
      Yea i wish the creator of the cheat adds Nade pred/Edge Jump
      And takes that Report bot out, it does nothing else then just report everyone once every second, i dont think he figured out that report bots dont actually work, nothing can get someone in overwatch faster

  4. lukasz151
    27 August 2019 17:37
    dont use that i got vac after a 1 week protect ur account

    1. cemrekusdemir
      27 August 2019 17:45
      This cheat UNDETECTED. You probably used a detected injector.

  5. yuki_kun
    27 August 2019 17:26
    Insufficient system resorcoues exist to cmplete the requested service shows up when i try to open the cheat and then the cheat delets itself can anyone help pls?

    1. Mufinekkk
      Real Cheater
      27 August 2019 19:08
      Turn off antivirus.

  6. pro0
    27 August 2019 17:13
    update please

  7. SreckoMrk
    27 August 2019 17:00
    How to fix ping? When i use cheat my ping is 100+

  8. DemoNNN3
    27 August 2019 16:36
    The cheat doesn't work but it says he was injected

    1. cemrekusdemir
      27 August 2019 16:58
      Press "INSERT" after injected.

      1. woxtyy
        29 August 2019 12:45
        Also does not work lmao...

  9. Cailo9
    27 August 2019 15:53
    Detected VAC!!

    Warning! You are not allowed to view this text.

    1. Sazz
      Sazz · Razmo#2571
      27 August 2019 16:02
      No, this cheat is not detected, you are maybe using an detected injector

    2. cemrekusdemir
      27 August 2019 16:58
      this cheat still undeteceted... try another injector.

  10. Dr.Killer
    27 August 2019 14:12
    It says the file is damaged or corrupted, help me please.. i really want to kick hackers asses...

    1. cemrekusdemir
      27 August 2019 16:57
      close windows defender or antivirus program...

  11. LaughCheah
    27 August 2019 13:35
    Dude why dll don't work i use your injector from folder and nothing i have my windows defender off!
    The injector say injected,gave fun,but in game don't tell me the osiris has been injected can you help me

    Quote: not0mar
    When I open the injector as admin then I put the dll it says injected have fun and it won't show in the csgo.
    pls help

    Quote: LaughCheah
    Dude why dll don't work i use your injector from folder and nothing i have my windows defender off!
    The injector say injected,gave fun,but in game don't tell me the osiris has been injected can you help me

    Quote: Sazz
    Can someone help me ? I just got my new pc and when I inject any cheat, the menu of the cheat won't showing. But I can see the cheat is injected, the cheat just won't show.

    How i cane fix??It's do same shit to me...add  me on discord Laugh#0816

  12. Lmfaor
    27 August 2019 11:09
    best cheat for legit | i recommend it !

  13. zapdos
    27 August 2019 04:46
    RCS does not work

  14. wombo___
    26 August 2019 23:15
    Guys, if you don't wanna got VAC banned, you can DOWNLOAD the enigma protector, and protect your dll.
    kissing_heart Good Cheat xD

    1. Sazz
      Sazz · Razmo#2571
      26 August 2019 23:31
      The dll is not detected so you don't need to protect it

  15. seyeser
    26 August 2019 21:44
    not working

  16. fouadmohmed999
    26 August 2019 18:41
    Hacks are stored in RAR or ZIP format, to unpack these archives using the programs
     WinZip,  WinRar,  7-Zip or any other archiver that supports these formats.   ما المشكله

    Hacks are stored in RAR or ZIP format, to unpack these archives using the programs
     WinZip,  WinRar,  7-Zip or any other archiver that supports these formats   ما معنا هدا الكلام

  17. chumberoloco1
    Real Cheater
    26 August 2019 18:25
    Autoshoot fixed?

  18. Login :D
    26 August 2019 15:42
    Quote: not0mar
    When I open the injector as admin then I put the dll it says injected have fun and it won't show in the csgo.
    pls help
    it happens to me too
    idk why

    1. Lolinko69
      26 August 2019 19:04
      me to plz help.......

    2. wombo___
      26 August 2019 23:18
      Just download this file (BEST INJECTOR NO VAC BAN https://www.mediafire.com/file/uyph08fkyd0ynms/%24R4U2122.exe/file)

      1. Sazz
        Sazz · Razmo#2571
        26 August 2019 23:41

  19. not0mar
    26 August 2019 15:13
    When I open the injector as admin then I put the dll it says injected have fun and it won't show in the csgo.
    pls help

  20. SkullKnight
    26 August 2019 14:53
    before i extract archive the injector remove fast why?

    1. not0mar
      27 August 2019 16:23
      because you have the windows defender on

  21. claudiu_79™
    26 August 2019 14:35
    waht password

    1. benne1238
      26 August 2019 14:58
      ''cheater.fun'' is the password

  22. ponn
    26 August 2019 14:14
    the menu didnt show

  23. Sazz
    Sazz · Razmo#2571
    26 August 2019 13:56
    Can someone help me ? I just got my new pc and when I inject any cheat, the menu of the cheat won't showing. But I can see the cheat is injected, the cheat just won't show.

    1. nanak
      Real Cheater
      26 August 2019 18:31
      psk sa lag des fois

    2. not0mar
      27 August 2019 16:38
      It happens the same problem to me something that before didn't happened it happened when I formatted my pc to have more disk space.

      1. allyorfoe
        27 August 2019 22:46
        same i formatted my pc and now nothing happens when i inject

  24. TimeOfDead
    26 August 2019 13:41
    nanak what cheat u using

  25. nanak
    Real Cheater
    26 August 2019 12:54
    Best Cheat i use it for skin changer and i do frags with it just it needs
    level changer
    medal changer
    inventory changer
    rank changer

  26. Br3noGamer01
    26 August 2019 10:43
    When I open the injector and type osiris.dll I press enter than when I open csgo is doesnt opening nothing what do I do?

  27. mamaie.vom182
    26 August 2019 10:06
    it has virus? :(

    1. Lordgork
      26 August 2019 13:55
      i have played with this cheat and no, this ceat isn't a virus.

  28. ItzMeeee
    26 August 2019 10:05
    VIRUUUS! sweat 

  29. Lumilover
    26 August 2019 06:39
    When will they add edge jump

  30. Danpha1003
    Real Cheater
    26 August 2019 06:23
    the best free legit cheat

    play legit and u dont get vac ban or ow ban

    do your own legit cfg, take care with fov and dont spin

    love u guys 

New Comments
raka916 raka916

been using this for 4 months. and no ban. but one time i used the auto skip dialogue, i got banned 3 days after.
just dont use anything involed with autoclicker. anything else is safe i guess.

Zikosexa Zikosexa



does this work as of feb 22 2025?