• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


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19 335 comments

  1. DzxD
    11 July 2023 17:40

    what injector is better with osiris after saz not working?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      12 July 2023 01:42

      csghost should work just fine just tested it.
      with a custom build of Osiris.

  2. carlosmedina1
    11 July 2023 01:41

    how to use the "reveal suspect" how it works exactly? because I dont get it

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      11 July 2023 20:15

      that is so you could see who u where overwatching. this isn't really useful anymore since overwatch has been disabled in the game.
      this has nothing to do with anything else than letting you see what where in that match.

  3. Glass1122
    5 July 2023 21:11

    isn't supporting prime status anymore??

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      10 July 2023 16:15

      wdym isn't supporting prime anymore.
      their isn't a difference in prime and non prime for injecting etc.

  4. sdaddsa1231
    29 June 2023 10:55

    we can t use win 11 help pls menu is broke cant open 

    1. Txggled
      6 July 2023 06:35

      I use this on win 11 and it works for me

  5. luky22000
    28 June 2023 19:31

    for the inventory change could you try to do as on sakara project cheat?

  6. Dymyk
    25 June 2023 14:49

    I use this cheat for quite some time now on the same account and still have green trust w/o ban and I use maybe half of the functions in my legit cfg so from my experience this is awesome free cheat.

    Injector: SazInjector + VacBypass

    1. ezpzgodz
      27 June 2023 09:24

      can u share the sazinjector ur using and the vacbypass as well, thanks :)

    2. loadagir
      29 June 2023 00:59

      can i get ur config?

  7. Iamtheglobglobgabgalab
    25 June 2023 08:31

    It's CSghost cause red trust factor? If not what features should I use and I should not use?

    1. duys1mpleooooooooo
      11 July 2023 15:32

      i would say not to use skin changer

  8. Iustinian_691
    24 June 2023 17:13

    If i use csghost i will guve red trust? and what features should i use and should i don t use?

  9. Iamtheglobglobgabgalab
    24 June 2023 14:21

    Will I get red trust if I use CSghost? And what features should I use and I souldn't use to avoid the red trust?

  10. Cloud170815
    Real Cheater
    24 June 2023 12:02

    it will make ur trust factor red after using it for like 20days and eventually will result in a ban-

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      24 June 2023 16:51

      what would u expect from a free opensource cheat.
      when even paid cheats have problems again with red trust.

  11. deanebola123
    23 June 2023 20:44

    hey so when i use the cheat i need to turn the menu off so i can click on csgo why?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      24 June 2023 11:56

      if you mean with not being able to move etc while the menu is open.
      that is done so you don't schoot etc while changing settings 

  12. CheatingIsEnjoying
    18 June 2023 20:32

    So i've never used cheats like these before, I'm currently following this tutorial:

    Now I haven't watched it fully so i'm not positive it has a bypass with it. Guessing you have quite a lot of experience with this, what bypasser should I use? And if this injector in the video doesn't work, whats a good free one?

    1. Kakaman2ß0095234
      21 June 2023 23:26

      Injector use CsGhost

  13. Iamtheglobglobgabgalab
    17 June 2023 15:05

    Is osiris give red trust factor anymore?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      18 June 2023 00:46

      i'll depends on the injector and what feature's u would use.
      from my own injector and just using chams i still get 17> looking to play. 

  14. abigilani49
    16 June 2023 16:35

    i have a question.. if we downloaded the updated osiris dll . then should we have to delete our old saved config from Documents or not? or we just use new updated osiris without any problem?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      17 June 2023 13:13

      you should be fine if u don't have a config that is super old(like 2 years) without using it.

  15. niggersu
    15 June 2023 21:08

    nice bro

  16. bumbumdusbum
    11 June 2023 10:05

    hello my system is new and win 11 . i can t open this osiris menu . but i click ins .  cant again. 

    any help pls?

    any fiiles are missing?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      11 June 2023 16:32

      so you don't see the bar on the top after injection cause that would mean its than not correctly injected. so would suggest than try a different injector.

      1. Bonkyyyy4156
        16 June 2023 15:11

        which injector u use man?

        1. zuhu
          zuhu · zuhuinc
          16 June 2023 22:57

          i use a custom private one but from people i know they usually use csghost without issues.

          1. Bonkyyyy4156
            17 June 2023 15:14

            man can u send me your injector please?bcs csghost not working on my computer when i press inject dont inject

            1. zuhu
              zuhu · zuhuinc
              18 June 2023 00:45

              go to the tab Injectors and should be the third option.

  17. Bonkyyyy4156
    7 June 2023 20:06

    why osiris dont open in csgo when im inject them?

    1. ezpzgodz
      8 June 2023 09:42

      press insert.

      1. joebird
        8 June 2023 15:52

        what injector/script runner do you use? i havett been able to find a working free one

        1. zuhu
          zuhu · zuhuinc
          8 June 2023 17:00

          CSGhost should just run fine.

  18. africanul
    7 June 2023 19:55

    if i dont got the insert button what do i do?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      7 June 2023 22:24

      what keyboard u have that you don't have insert/ins

    2. lolman20
      7 June 2023 23:53

      if u have fn the press fn and g

  19. Haziel222
    7 June 2023 15:01

    Big thanks to the creator of osiris and the developers from cheater.fun, who released the new version of osiris right after the latest steam update (07/06/2023). Btw the dll works as it should...pure gold. Thank you👌💪⚡ !

    1. ffpikachuop
      9 June 2023 21:09

      my csgo is stuck when i inject this dll how to fix it pls tell me

  20. Claudiu23
    1 June 2023 18:04


    I have I prime account and I want to add this cheat to it and I have some questions.

    1. If I have that account and my main on the same phone number and i'll get vac, it will be on both accounts?

    2. Steam has a feature "Change account" in the left top corner when hovering over "Steam" tab and I have both accounts connected, will the VAC go on both?

    3. If I use a injector like EzCS with VAC bypass, are there any chance that once CS2 comes I'll get hit by VAC Wave or sum?

    Thank you!

    1. ezpzgodz
      2 June 2023 07:41


      1. No, you can only get vac or overwatch ban on the account you use cheat, if won't affect other accounts that is logged in on your steam. 

      2. No

      3. It depends, if you already get tons of reports for overwatch and your account is on red trust, it's possible to hit by vac wave. If you're account is still on good trust factor, it wont affect you or hit a vac.

  21. emusiek1
    emusiek1 · Emusiek1#2137
    31 May 2023 22:47

    i used osirs and alw got banned but now i read i should use vac bypass XD did rly this bypass help with dont getting banned after 2/3 days ? och and alw i used only: triggerbot and skinchanger and others like custom sounds so i think i dont play obvious aimbots etc ;/

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      31 May 2023 23:02

      it could be your injector you used or not using a bypass.
      cause from what i've seen from people i know they haven't gotten any bans with Osiris.

      1. emusiek1
        emusiek1 · Emusiek1#2137
        31 May 2023 23:48

        so what injector  with bypass u sugest ;3?

        1. zuhu
          zuhu · zuhuinc
          1 June 2023 08:31

          just use something like csghost.
          know people use it allot without problems

      2. emusiek1
        emusiek1 · Emusiek1#2137
        1 June 2023 00:03

        so if u will use injector with bypass for example csgoghost i dont need compile vac bypass by myself to .dll?

    2. costieeeeeeeel
      1 June 2023 03:10

      been playing for the last week with bypass and a legit config, no bans on my main with trust factor nor my alt

    3. ezpzgodz
      1 June 2023 07:15

      use bypass and play legit hacking and you will be fine, the only ban you will receive if you use bypass is overwatch.

    4. abigilani49
      16 June 2023 16:37

      yup cs ghost injector from kitten is undetected bro u will not get banned 

  22. steveisawesome12345
    31 May 2023 09:26

    100% best legit free cheat for cs, can't go wrong. really good and undetectable 

  23. idanfri
    27 May 2023 18:52

    what is the best injector to use? and links??

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      28 May 2023 03:04

      seen allot off people use EzCs which is on the first page of the injectors tab
      and from people i know mostly use either private or csghost which is on the 2th page.

  24. diamantenbubi
    27 May 2023 16:13

    hey is there a way you can add a tap where we can modify the odds of case drobs like that we get 100%knife or 100% red

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      28 May 2023 03:10

      their isn't a way in the menu to change the odd's.
      you can probably change it in the code of the cheat which you can get of danielkrupinski his GitHub

  25. VoidTheCheater
    26 May 2023 13:17

    Hey guys,
    I installed this cheat today and I injected with CSGHOST but all the buttons and interactives on CS:GO do not work once it's injected... any solutions? Please help.


    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      26 May 2023 19:14

      thats prob cause the "menu" is kinda open look at the text ontop
      press instert(ins) to close it and you wil be able to guide thru the menu

    2. zibrah
      26 May 2023 19:53

      Its because the overlay of osiris is open

  26. Minteuan Alfred Gabriel
    26 May 2023 13:11

    I get error 0x80004005 , when I try to extract it.

    1. D3ATH
      1 June 2023 20:33

      open it with winrar

  27. roxdxebek
    26 May 2023 00:04

    How to enable stream proof glow and esp?

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      26 May 2023 19:21

      stream proof isnt something you enable.
      to record with obs either use masterloosers dll bypass or use
      -allow_third_party_software to launch to allow obs to record.

      also glow and or chams arent obs/stream proof
      just life thirdperson, nadeprediction, fov etc.
      aka all things that aren't in esp tab that are visuals.

      i hope this clarified it enough for ya.

      ps, recoil/noscope crosshair, bomb timer, offscreen enemies and spec list are also fine

  28. AG4.20
    25 May 2023 19:13

    is the aimbot being really bad for anyone else??

    1. ezpzgodz
      26 May 2023 06:04

      mine works fine

  29. glltchmoob
    25 May 2023 00:05

    modify the cheat for kreedz jump please

  30. 111222321
    24 May 2023 21:20

    im using ezcs injector but the hack menu is dont open

    1. zuhu
      zuhu · zuhuinc
      25 May 2023 17:14

      have you tried a different injector?