• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


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19 335 comments

  1. ytsvgboaUYTDVA
    8 March 2023 03:43

    For the people that deal with fixing the cheat ,when pressing reset configuration, the cheat will crash.

    1. Dymyk
      8 March 2023 16:11

      its not just reseting config, for me its whole skin changer that crash the game

      1. Aksel15
        11 March 2023 22:44

        works perfectly fine for me

    2. kiwitoop
      8 March 2023 16:58

      i cant dl the hack, the file is dead

  2. dikberg
    5 March 2023 23:19

    where to get the password?

    1. hvskda
      8 March 2023 15:52


  3. Sheesh2023
    3 March 2023 12:28

    Why my CSGO is Freeze when i use the Cheat Please Help...

  4. Sahar642323
    28 February 2023 21:35

    I tried few times with diffrent injectors and it didnt work pls help

    1. kennay12
      1 March 2023 15:20

      turn off defender
      use vac bypass first

      start csgo

      use a safe injector!!!

      to use the injector watch tutorial were the dude is speaking. If its a video only with music its probably a scam.

      after inject, u should see on the top every setting. If u dont have a 100% keyboard change the open menu button (maybe misc go search for it) for a button u dont use. If u play on prime dont be sus! or dont use aimbot use esp instead, shoot only if you see the player.
      Have fun!

      1. yuhmell
        26 March 2023 14:12

        what is VAC is it the cheats

    2. panke412
      2 March 2023 17:43

      try csghost 4.3.1 very good cheating almost 2 years not ban

    3. scuiq
      2 March 2023 21:03

      use process hacker

  5. ogsparrow
    25 February 2023 23:39

    fps drops 💀

    1. samuellebowski69
      6 March 2023 20:10

      nice PC

  6. zentrix
    25 February 2023 19:58

    When the game launches, the screen is frozen and the insert button is not working when i want to close the cheat

  7. willywiger
    23 February 2023 06:53

    fps drops after the u updated the cheat lol

  8. xDOGEx
    22 February 2023 23:50

    Fps drop 

  9. yigitcan312
    22 February 2023 01:20

    Yeah with the recent updates, I get 90 fps when I inject the DLL with a system with 11700K and ROG Strix 3070 tripple fan.

    1. Popolisca
      23 February 2023 02:31

      yeah... same issue

  10. panke412
    21 February 2023 22:31

    my fps drops really hard

  11. sasha74
    20 February 2023 18:21

    when can i find cofings to download?

    1. Dadommen
      23 February 2023 13:43

      I don't know, but I made my own configs and they work pretty good!

  12. kchaa
    18 February 2023 06:20

    ¿Puede alguien ayudarme a instalar o inyectar?

    1. nxnscmcmx
      19 February 2023 13:29

      e simples basta baixar no cheater fun e em seguida ter um injector bom abrir cs go e executar osiris

  13. unkownsss
    15 February 2023 18:53

    How to instal ???

  14. chchchanv2
    14 February 2023 18:39

    is it safe on faceit?

    1. delta01
      20 February 2023 23:33

      hell nah bro, never use free cheats on faceit, there are some specific cheats for that, but the price is very high for a good one...

  15. beepboopindahouse
    Real Cheater
    12 February 2023 19:41

    I got "Unable to inject the DLL into csgo.exe (PID 15744): Access denied."

    7 February 2023 13:42

    Friend! I'm waiting for a good antiaim! 

  17. araka15
    2 February 2023 18:32

    can i use osiris in prime ? is it safe?

    1. f4cesklass
      2 February 2023 23:47

      not recomanded on your main account, but if u want, yes, you can use on your risk Play legit and ban chance are lower

      1. araka15
        5 February 2023 20:41

        i only use radar and skins and wall

    2. alwinner
      6 February 2023 20:00

      safe enough, been cheating with it on prime for half a year and i had 0 issues

      1. Cloud170815
        Real Cheater
        20 February 2023 12:47

        which version are u using? I used it once used legit cheat and had red trust factor and after few months i got vac

    3. Davod sefu
      7 February 2023 17:44

      not really

      1. kirschensammler
        11 February 2023 02:15

        im using it for half a year now too and i had 0 issues

    4. kirschensammler
      11 February 2023 00:54

      Yes you can i am cheating with Osiris in prime since october and still no ban

      1. araka15
        11 February 2023 19:30

        what injector do you use?

  18. bismarck707
    28 January 2023 09:20

    It is crashing my game (using it for almost a year) plas fix

    1. TomxDG
      29 January 2023 15:26

      Maybe you use the wrong injector. Use AlisaAlis Manual Map DLL Injector 

    2. Decimal
      12 February 2023 19:47

      Try Hexogen injector

  19. ruguo011
    27 January 2023 18:44

    Who has discord invitation link

  20. icy.pypy
    27 January 2023 09:35

    how to run please someone explain 

    1. TomxDG
      29 January 2023 15:27

      Download an DLL injector (AlisaAlis Manual Map DLL Injector) and inject the Osiris DLL in the csgo.exe

  21. BBQblock
    26 January 2023 14:36

    unable to download?

    1. TomxDG
      29 January 2023 15:28

      Use the Programm 7zip and extract the zipfile with the password 123

  22. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    26 January 2023 07:29

    I apologize for my previous comments, here's a new review of mine.

    The cheat is great, however the chams don't work when non visible, and the cheat itself is detected.

    I recommend using CouInjector and its VAC Bypass to use with this.

    1. kirschensammler
      11 February 2023 00:56

      No its not detected im playing with it half a year and im still not banned

    2. notfvz
      28 February 2023 00:12

      yo can csghost can run it ? 

  23. topp3zzz
    25 January 2023 20:10

    does it work on esportal?

  24. RemondinoJP
    22 January 2023 06:14

    it's working, good cheat +rep

    1. chchchanv2
      22 January 2023 13:44

      what injector did you use?

      1. nexosamko9
        22 January 2023 17:23

        coulinjector i used and working +rep

      2. gwn_dion
        24 January 2023 10:00

        you can use csghost

      3. TomxDG
        29 January 2023 15:28

        AlisaAlis Manual Map DLL Injector

    2. Ziga Vrzel
      5 February 2023 03:18

      what do you do when you exctarcte it

  25. chchchanv2
    20 January 2023 18:32

    Still crashes after inject

  26. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    19 January 2023 21:31

    Why is this marked as undetected? more like "use at our own risk", osiris most overrated cheat lol

    1. TomxDG
      29 January 2023 15:29

      Yeah you right. You get instant red trust factor.

      1. shade0229
        3 February 2023 16:31

        instant red trust factor ?

  27. XerXes6969
    18 January 2023 13:24

    crash after inject

  28. ashravche
    16 January 2023 22:14

    Hi, I am using the cheat but the trigger bot nor the aimbot is working? Like i have injected it and have loaded the osiris.dll file but it doesnt work no matter what i config it as

  29. kerem ismet
    kerem ismet · pornoizliyorum
    16 January 2023 13:57

    osiris... detected open source cheat but have good features not bad on nonprime but don't use this on prime u can get a VAC-BAN (vac-bypass is useless just don't use)

    use a read only memory external cheat (pellix .xyz or etc.) 

    have a good day bros!

    1. nexosamko9
      16 January 2023 22:58

      im using osiris already on prime and vac bypass all good, you probably used detected osiris dll or injector 

      1. sthalman
        20 January 2023 02:01

        Can i ask what injector r u using? 

  30. chonkyphonk771526
    16 January 2023 08:48

    anyone know howto extract it??? I tried removing password but its not working