Simple CSGO External - TriggerBot/FakeLag/ESP/Bunnyhop

  • Developer: Sandwich
  • Status:
  • Updated: 27.05.19
  • Current version: v3.0.0.9 [27/05/2019]

Recently we have been posting only hvh cheats on CS:GO, but today we decided to share with you a new working external hack on CS:GO from the developer Sandwich. This hack does not contain a menu in its functionality, and contains only the console and hot keys to control the functions, because everything is already configured and you just have to press the right keys to activate commands. The cheat includes such popular features as: TriggerBot/FakeLag/ESP/Bunnyhop/RadarHack, etc. Additionally, to support all features and the hack itself, you must have the following programs installed on your computer: .NET Framework and 2017 C++ Redistributable. 

For example, the function TriggerBot will target yourself in the middle of the enemy from you, and you'll have yourself to shoot without bullet spread using a Norecoil function and thus fall into the most vulnerable places on models of the enemy. Additionally, you can configure TriggerBot to Refine the attack, you can choose to hover only on enemies or only allies, and put a tip on all. Hack also has its own unique ESP, which will highlight enemies or allies bright color and thus you will see them behind any fence on the map.


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  1. wesxiao
    14 February 2019 19:41
    Bad hacker ever,... wtf, nothing work

  2. Emre Sarı
    14 February 2019 18:38
    hile ikizler burcu gıbı bı calısır bı calısmaz yapımcısını sıkeyım 
    bıde vac yedırıyor bellı edersenız ben rekoda bellı etttım kan aldılar aq arda bu xen bey vac yıyen ower yedı ıstersen 20 tlye satıyım o hesabı ets 2 sı ve oyunarı bılıyosn zaten

  3. darklord5124
    14 February 2019 18:13
    Arkadaşlar sizde çalışıyor mu bende sadece radar hack calısıyor geri kalan çalışmıyor amk .... UPDATE!!!

  4. Emre Sarı
    12 February 2019 21:51

    1. arda5555
      14 February 2019 17:45
      ulan emre ahn bfdb s hfsf s

  5. arda5555
    12 February 2019 21:26
    hile gayet güzel fakat mesela bir saat belırlenmesı gerekir bir gün 20.04 etresi gün 14.02 olmaz abi belirleyın bı saat aq

    lan artık verin şu günceli dün 21.47 de verdiniz barı 21.47 de verin tekrar

    12 February 2019 20:38
    update plz vro thanks xd

  7. Emre Sarı
    12 February 2019 18:28
    aq belırlı bı saat 

  8. eniz69
    12 February 2019 17:40
    I use your hack very nice,But is this hack UNDETECTED on Faceit ??

  9. CPauls678
    12 February 2019 17:10
    nothing is working for me

  10. kakakakaka
    12 February 2019 16:26
    plz update again wallhack dont work youree cheat is amazing bro:D:D

  11. boomkent
    12 February 2019 05:58
    everything works but wallhack not working help pls

  12. donraja0101
    11 February 2019 16:34
    this is the only cheat that is undetected even when its outdated

  13. ksksksksks
    9 February 2019 13:32
    plz update bro i love it

    1. arda5555
      9 February 2019 14:12
      kanki valla hile 10 numara dediğin gibi ama her gün malesef 20.04 de güncel yiyor anca akşam oynuyabılıyurz 4 saat:D

  14. jfsd25
    9 February 2019 09:45
    its working just change the key SHIFT + Insert if the key change if u see the f1, f2 , f3 etc just click to activate done ez hacks not detected no error

    1. jfsd25
      9 February 2019 09:46
      just click f1 then aimbot works before that change the by press shift+ insert

  15. Walker_101
    Real Cheater
    9 February 2019 09:04
    Bad Cheat...

  16. Fetruquis
    9 February 2019 05:56
    não esta funcionando no meu cara sempre usei ele agora com essa atualização não vai o os aim assist

    please turn the page up, page down, take that shift + F11

  17. makar9
    9 February 2019 05:24
    not found error

  18. Aizen333
    8 February 2019 12:46
    Its not working, shows errors of missing dll's. I downloaded those and then it say application cant start correctly. Really I need help with this.

  19. cjthereal
    Real Cheater
    5 February 2019 15:53
    can someone give me instructions how to activate it? i downloaded it but i dont know how it works

    1. dadbag123
      8 February 2019 03:37
      m8 you literally go,to downloads folder and open it

      1. cjthereal
        Real Cheater
        8 February 2019 07:35
        i mean how do u activate it in-game? like you're already in a match and then you want to use some of the features

  20. hanox
    4 February 2019 05:09
    n funciona, tem como arrumar

  21. mhazz23
    1 February 2019 16:07
    big shit game crashed 

  22. 4our
    1 February 2019 13:13
    with the cheat does it update automatically or will i have to download the update, im really enjoying it and its really easy to hide, havnt got called out once. keep up the good work

  23. qwert0047
    1 February 2019 06:10
    Update please

  24. crystalbeta
    1 February 2019 04:24
    update please, it's not working

  25. balasko7
    31 January 2019 16:09
    I got VAC ban when we were winning 14/8
    Just got kicked out from session and it says on screen VAC banned, global cooldown

  26. jytan1298
    31 January 2019 10:27
    no wont

  27. turmux
    Real Cheater
    31 January 2019 08:22
    is it detected? did u vac banned ingame? or did u load the hack in and instantly got VAC

    1. arda5555
      9 February 2019 14:11
      kanki vac yemıyom prıme hesabımda açtım 1 ay boyunca nova 1 den dmg oldum sen yap hesabını vac felan yok her gün 20.04 te güncellemen gerek yani güncel ındırmen lazım knk dıgerını sılıp çaktınmı knk

  28. balasko7
    31 January 2019 00:05
    Got fkin VAC banned
    Change to Outdated please

  29. Cloud9
    29 January 2019 15:22
    Se que lo haces muy bien pero podrías poner un programa con rank changer.Gracias

  30. adefaried99s
    28 January 2019 19:05
    Hey how to use the wallhack feature how do i use the pause button nothing happens that only functions only the glov feature please give the user how to use tutorial

New Comments
Water Dependency Water Dependency

I'm the only one with problems for download just now?

Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^