Inertia Utility Mod [1.16.2]

  • Developer: IKnowImEZ aka THEREALWWEFAN231
  • Status:
  • Updated: 20.08.20
  • Current version: v3.1.2
Free and working cheat Inertia Utility Mod for Minecraft [1.16.2]. Updated menu for the next update of the game Minecraft version 1.16.2. Great menu with great functionality. In this hack, you will find only the most necessary and relevant features for playing Minecraft. For example, there are such necessary functions as: Xray, Baritone, Block ESP, etc. You can see all the functionality on the screenshot, or download this cheat and test it yourself. We wish you good luck in the game!

Have a question? Feel free to ask it in the comments :)
How to install:
1. Goto
2. If your on windows click "Download installer (Windows/.EXE)", if your not on windows click "Download installer (Universal/.JAR)"(you need to java install installed to open the file)
4. After it downloaded, run it
5. Select 1.16.2 from the minecraft version drop down
6. Click the install button
6. Go to your main .minecraft folder
7. If you have already have a mods folder rename it oldmods(or someting else)
8. Copy/cut the mods folder in this folder(folder with this file your reading) to your main .minecraft folder
9. Load/play the fabric version you installed(in the minecraft launcher), it should be automatically selected

Free Download Inertia Utility Mod [1.16.2]

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Comments: 34 Views: 23 911


  1. toloko
    23 June 2021 05:28

    2 perguntas funciona no tlaucher versao 1.17? e como  abre o menu?


  2. lucaROss
    4 February 2021 15:20
    can you help me do it?

    i dont understend the 7 part

  3. mattysykes10
    29 November 2020 05:30
    how do i open menu

    1. toloko
      23 June 2021 05:26
      tb uqeria saber

  4. Epicgamer528263
    10 November 2020 18:10
    How u install it on mcpe 

    1. UberT
      10 January 2021 15:00
      you cant dump a$$ its for java aka windows if you read the instructions it says it all over

  5. Andrei381130
    5 November 2020 20:58
    working on t launcher?

    1. gigelcaci
      13 December 2020 18:14
      i think so i have tlauncher to i hope it works

    2. UberT
      10 January 2021 15:00
      yes it does work on Tlauncher just follow the instuctions

  6. burikko
    23 October 2020 14:26
    nasıl yülneilceğine türkçe söyleyecek varmı

  7. trench boy
    19 October 2020 13:45
    thats dll?
    or hacked client?

  8. rickokechil26
    17 September 2020 21:19
    Detected, My account has be banned

    1. Symzy
      31 October 2020 23:37
      if you go to steam unlocked you should be able to get a new copy of minecraft for free

    2. UberT
      10 January 2021 15:02
      it cant be detected you probably hacked to obvious and a admin banned you from a server you can still play other servers

  9. hopeone
    12 September 2020 17:52
    doesnt work

  10. Znibsss
    9 September 2020 18:40
    Hum it work with forge the 1.16.1 version or not 

    1. UberT
      10 January 2021 15:03
      no, you need fabric first of all forge wont work second it says what version is supports

  11. xxhackerboixx
    Real Cheater
    6 September 2020 20:54
    ok so install fabric make sure you install it to 1.16.2

    then download the menu from above and extract it, go to %appdata%

    then go to .minecraft then take Ur mods folder and place it in there

    then go to the minecraft launcher and choose fabric launch minecraft and there you go

  12. luck_sox
    3 September 2020 15:39
    cant change killaura cps PLS help

  13. David.T
    2 September 2020 22:24
    it doesn't work for me?

    1. Syntec
      13 September 2020 20:07
      hmm u have done something wrong i think just try again and follow the instructions well if it doesn't work try other cheats idk and sorry my english sucks

  14. MABNuma
    2 September 2020 17:28
    Si sirve de ayuda hare un video SIN COMENTAR de como hacerlo en mi canal de twitch:

  15. Antlej_2
    30 August 2020 21:06
    tutorial how to downlad all filles

    1. UberT
      10 January 2021 15:05
      copy paste links
      go to %appdata% then Minecraft then mods place fabric api and hacked client in mods install fabric launch Minecraft and Wolla

  16. bauticz
    29 August 2020 09:03
    se puede usar con optifine?

    1. MABNuma
      2 September 2020 17:13
      si lo usas con forge

  17. Dzojus_Nikarachas
    28 August 2020 22:52
    U could add an optifine too 

  18. Coby Healy
    28 August 2020 09:49
    Does this work on other versions of minecraft??​​​​

  19. jason2133
    28 August 2020 04:37
    it worked in World but in Nether it only scan the Nether Quartz Ore. there are no Ancient Debris  or 
    Nether Gold Ore.

    1. Ghost_Npples
      10 November 2020 03:23
      add it in x-ray with its item id

  20. yungdaggeryung69
    27 August 2020 22:02
    i put it into mincraft and i press right shift and it doesnt work

    1. jason2133
      28 August 2020 04:47
      you should do steps 1 and 2 before putting it into Minecraft file

  21. DragUnovSlayer1223
    21 August 2020 23:03
    how i open meniu

    1. OGTrizzy
      26 August 2020 18:01
      right shift is the button to open the list

New Comments
bokita99 bokita99

what you mean look for loader. i tried to enject it but i got an error like evryone else

tunghqlc tunghqlc

can anyone change my code from purple to red i miss shot when facing clove

21377312 21377312

i cant opei gui,it only shows fps pls help

what to click to open gui i cant find insert pls help

r33sky r33sky

wont launch click run it loads for a sec then nothing