Cheats for Paladins - Aim Assist [ABX]

  • Developer: Helmo
  • Status:
  • Updated: 12.10.20
  • Current version: 12/10/2020

paladins free cheat

Free and working cheat for Paladins which you will be able to take the top slot position. Cheat on Paladins has only one setting in its functionality Aim Assist - this setting will be automatically aimed at the target and thus you will never miss and eliminate the enemy in a matter of seconds. This is not a professional aimbot, but this feature will be enough to win.


  • Open the Game
  • Open the File [it doesn't have to be like ADM]
  • Put the game in full window
  • Put the game at 1920x1080[or something like that]


  • Note: If the sight is shaking, decrease the sensitivity of the mouse in the game
  • Note²: Sorry my english, I'm using google translator
  • Note³: The original codes are from APB: Reloaded and an AHK from Paladins [but was banning] 

Free Download Cheats for Paladins - Aim Assist [ABX]

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Comments: 13 Views: 9 259


  1. sufyanzhin125
    11 March 2021 02:44
    Link EXpire Update Now plis

  2. bambusjunge2
    9 March 2021 17:25
     its deleted! dont working D:

  3. marrosamana
    20 November 2020 01:44
    lowed sensitivity to 3 and still shaking, no matter which click i press the cursor still goes right as crazy. not working

  4. qatuhi
    24 October 2020 21:44
    It is really bad cheat, not even working properly.

  5. Rodridt
    20 October 2020 23:46
    Con que programa abres el archivo men xd?

  6. reza22471
    15 October 2020 15:42
    how to use this cheat

  7. wonghohin222
    14 October 2020 15:44
    Please ask if it will be updated in the future

    The great author asks you to update the perspective

  8. fire_night123
    Real Cheater
    14 October 2020 13:59
    will i be banned if i use this?

    1. laurence35
      Real Cheater
      laurence35 · Laurence35
      22 October 2020 20:48
      Use Vac ban Bypass loader

      1. ertzreadfafgasdf
        28 October 2020 11:43
        where i can get?

      2. MysticHonda
        29 October 2020 15:01
        This game doesnt even use VAC lmfao 

      3. kacpi122
        29 October 2020 16:12

  9. gilsonxitador
    12 October 2020 22:52
    download pls

New Comments
Ardillaasesina Ardillaasesina

Game running at 1 fps when using this. can someone help me?(When I do not inject it, it runs smoothly) 

leetchy leetchy

good cheat. pls update

WeepingAngel WeepingAngel

The executor can now be downloaded directly here ^^

chjvvvv chjvvvv

dont forget to bypass your antivirus or it won't work

miooooo miooooo

ya its normal in the instruction it say that you need to open the game by the file location and not the launcher for it to work