• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


Only authorized users can download files. Please Log in or Register on the website.
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19 335 comments

  1. fuck yourself
    25 October 2020 05:06
    i have been banned for using osiris man :C 

  2. RhieS123
    24 October 2020 20:35
    Got VAC not overwatch also i was super legit.

    1. proemre
      24 October 2020 22:53
      profile? what injector did you use?

      1. BorooBoss
        26 October 2020 00:35
        @proemre my alt - h ttps://steamcommunity.com/id/inciting :)

      2. RhieS123
        28 October 2020 16:51
        csghost-v2.6 injector and i know diffrent between vac and overwatch

        1. RhieS123
          28 October 2020 16:52

    2. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      25 October 2020 03:27
      send you  profile url or steam id

  3. Chesterx
    24 October 2020 19:33
    i got banned after 2 weeks

  4. sbzrayen
    Real Cheater
    sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
    24 October 2020 13:05
    you should bypass ban 

    1. sunuse
      24 October 2020 13:19
      how to avoid it?

  5. sunuse
    24 October 2020 12:11
    Play with skin changer = vac ban ?

    1. Hariz Shauqi Riqi
      24 October 2020 12:13
      Depends on ur injector

      1. sunuse
        24 October 2020 12:17
        I'm use csgo trusted injector ( last on the site ) it's good?

        1. sbzrayen
          Real Cheater
          sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
          25 October 2020 21:52
          yeah its good injector

    2. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      24 October 2020 13:03
      yea you will get ban

      1. sunuse
        24 October 2020 13:17
        What is the best injector?

        1. Loisen259
          25 October 2020 14:58
          maybe saz...

  6. 4nonymous
    Real Cheater
    4nonymous · prefirexyz#3013
    24 October 2020 11:38
    Does    it   have   that    bug    
    that    i    can    throw    a   grenade?

  7. _Dilaw__XQ
    _Dilaw__XQ · dilaw_xq
    24 October 2020 11:15
    I use Osiris For 1 year almost never Vac But i Got a Vac This Week Its Not detected just sometimes U may Get detected Even Gamesense aka
    Warning! You are not allowed to view this text.
    is Not fully Safe ALL cheats are 99.99999% safe Never 100% 

    1. RelentlessHvH
      RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
      24 October 2020 15:04
      Osiris is detected. I used it for about 4 days and then I got vac banned.
      The injector isn't the problem since I use special tricks to make it even more undetected, VMP doesn't work for my machine. and I never go blatant enough to the point where i can get overwatch banned. so, the dev needs to change signatures and actually care about the cheat's detectability and do something.

      1. ecstasy1337
        24 October 2020 18:53
        VMProtecting doesn't do anything. And if you don't want to get banned just remove some features and compile it. Use VAC Bypass Loader and CSGhost 2.6 injector. It aint that hard, just use ur brain

        1. Axelmuga2
          Real Cheater
          Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
          24 October 2020 22:25
          actually, vmp protect does something

      2. iamnobodyxdd
        Real Cheater
        25 October 2020 08:46
        Did you use VAC Bypass?

  8. yuvraj56
    24 October 2020 10:29
    its detected please don't use got mt 2 accounts banned

  9. Maliii
    24 October 2020 02:43
    stop uploading a fking downlaoder and just updater the god damn injetor -.-
    you just want money not more thats why you want us to use the ugly downloader.

    stop it and jsut make it COMPLETLY free and stop earning money with a injector that not even your own!
    the completly same injector allready got released in 2014 for CS:GO you jsut copyed it, made a trusted mode fix and done.

  10. Gabriel.ro
    24 October 2020 02:39
    what pasword ??

  11. ir0ncsgo
    23 October 2020 23:09
    ok imma give an update where peoplec an trust. This Cheat IS DETECTED, all these idiots saying its in injector are wrong, ive tried it myself with multiple injectors and multiple cheats, Osiris is the only cheat that has gotten me Vacced, i repeat Osiris IS DETECTED. DONT USE THIS CHEAT YOU WILL BE BANNED.

    1. kalashnikovs
      23 October 2020 23:33
      Remember that they can give you vac for overwath I have no problems with osiris

    2. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      24 October 2020 00:24
      give me steam ID because for many idiots VAC and overwatch is same 

  12. kekekee
    23 October 2020 20:55
    It's not even working at this point lmao

  13. GraxBy
    Real Cheater
    23 October 2020 18:35
    All these retards saying osiris isnt detected and that all the injectors are detected xd

    1. sunuse
      23 October 2020 18:36
      Osiris detected or Injector detected?

    2. Silen CHL
      23 October 2020 19:51
      They always say that the injector is detected, but the truth is that I tried the injector with several tricks and Osiris is the only one with which it always gives "VAC", so if it is correct to say that osiris is detected

  14. Cyprix26
    23 October 2020 17:56
    This cheat is detected? i just want legit y’a king on m’y main 

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      23 October 2020 18:24
      detected, don't use it

      1. sunuse
        23 October 2020 18:35
        What injector u use?

        1. Axelmuga2
          Real Cheater
          Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
          23 October 2020 19:56
          i use the most recent injectors, like "Csgo trusted mode injector" and "CSGHOST"

          1. nuncalembrodisto
            23 October 2020 20:31
            use sazinjector

  15. sunuse
    23 October 2020 13:36
    Detected ??

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      23 October 2020 14:24
      it is detected

      1. sunuse
        23 October 2020 15:19
        and only the skin changer ?

        1. Axelmuga2
          Real Cheater
          Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
          23 October 2020 17:24
          the cheat is detected, just don't use it

          1. sunuse
            23 October 2020 17:31
            ok thx man :)

            do you know of a cheat that is not detected?

            1. doman991
              Real Cheater
              doman991 · doman991#4236
              23 October 2020 17:32
              no its not detected unless you are using shit injector

              1. sunuse
                23 October 2020 17:35
                I am using the last one on the site, is it good?

              2. RelentlessHvH
                RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
                23 October 2020 21:41
                I use sazInjector and I still get a VAC ban my dude. It is Detected.​​​​

                1. sunuse
                  23 October 2020 22:42
                  oh ok sorry for your account

                  1. RelentlessHvH
                    RelentlessHvH · P0key#2268
                    24 October 2020 15:06
                    Nah it's ok, I just need to wait for my new pc parts to come and then i can start  cheating again and develop KillWare CSGO.

  16. Dominusgaming
    Real Cheater
    23 October 2020 07:01
    my non prime account got vacced xD.. i wasnt even using anything but skin changer.. xDDD this shit detected m8

  17. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    23 October 2020 03:26
    what things are in this update?

  18. mramboo3222
    23 October 2020 01:32
    is the update Everyday?

    1. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      23 October 2020 15:07
      i don't think so

  19. elmatahacks
    22 October 2020 23:49
    detected in casual aimbot fov 5 xD

  20. TLH
    TLH · TLH#1147
    22 October 2020 22:34
    No VAC or OW ban. If you get ban
     you are just bad

  21. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    22 October 2020 21:37
    This is the worst cheat
    FPS drops
    No Occluded chams
    Not even a decent one

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      22 October 2020 21:58
      This is the worst cheater

      1. Axelmuga2
        Real Cheater
        Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
        22 October 2020 22:08
        I used to play with this, before getting the FPS drop problem, it was the best cheat

        1. doman991
          Real Cheater
          doman991 · doman991#4236
          22 October 2020 22:16
          try light version of this cheat

        2. lambda
          Real Cheater
          lambda · soda#0495
          23 October 2020 02:34
          use osiris light, it hasnt the occluded chams but its undetected and it hasnt have any fps drops

    2. sunuse
      23 October 2020 13:17
      Occluded chams just look..

  22. tenag99992
    Real Cheater
    22 October 2020 20:31
    Is detected bruh,
    Legit cheating without aim just charms when they are vissible and vac banned ( not overwatch)

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      22 October 2020 21:59
      steam id???????????

  23. aaaa0919
    Real Cheater
    22 October 2020 19:42

    thank you sir ^^

    love love love

  24. put1f3r
    22 October 2020 18:31
    I got my 2nd account banned in 3-5 days after I used this cheat. Don`t use it, only if you don`t care about your account. I played on my main also yesterday and I`m still ok. Maybe today it will be my last day I can play, f...

    1. wordfang
      Real Cheater
      22 October 2020 19:09
      yea because you play too obvious lol

      1. Axelmuga2
        Real Cheater
        Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
        22 October 2020 21:50
        That's the typic argument when a cheat gets detected lol

      2. put1f3r
        22 October 2020 21:53
        VAC ban, is been detected. No metter how you use it, when you injected VAC system is detecting the cheat

    2. bluemanati
      22 October 2020 21:20
      I got banned after 1 year using this hack

    3. sbzrayen
      Real Cheater
      sbzrayen · Skeeter#3681
      23 October 2020 15:08
      you will never find a safe hack bro

      1. lambda
        Real Cheater
        lambda · soda#0495
        24 October 2020 05:35
        if u make a paste and you update the junk code everytime csgo updates, youll be completely safe

  25. ociranirak
    Real Cheater
    22 October 2020 17:51
    Thank u SIR !! <3

  26. shedi
    22 October 2020 16:02
    I used this my own Injector, but then Osiris is detected.

    1. macik
      Real Cheater
      macik · Dojarz#0887
      22 October 2020 18:15
      nope, your injector must be detected then.

      1. shedi
        28 October 2020 00:39
        My injector not detected, i cheat with osiris = vac, i inject another cheat another account i not give VAC. :)

  27. SKR
    22 October 2020 12:45
    досех пор нету показа фова в визуалах 

  28. gabriel4444
    22 October 2020 01:40
    TOMEI EM Menos de


  29. kingmsd021
    21 October 2020 23:27
    guys pls dont use this shet its detected i got my 2 prime accounts vaced so sad

  30. Kera666
    21 October 2020 22:20
    Owner i got vac  confused . I use cheat in one mm game and got vac. I use an undetected injector. So the means the cheat is detected! Please fix it!

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      21 October 2020 22:27
      give me steam id or link to profile

      1. GraxBy
        Real Cheater
        22 October 2020 16:27
        if you think osiris is undetected, then you are more retarded than a flat earth believer.

        1. NoNameLmao
          Real Cheater
          NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
          22 October 2020 21:30
          i thought that thing would apply to anyone using a detected injector and then bitching about osiris being detected and your main getting vac'ed because of your outdated injector

New Comments
Sin Mainina Sin Mainina

if you are on Asia sever, do not use this hack, i use it for a couple of hr then got ban, hoyo are increasing their security in Asia sever

Kariyamdh1380 Kariyamdh1380

Hi! I have a PROBLEM, when the file is launched in the game, there is no sign of cheats, even though the antivirus is disabled, please help me... :)