• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


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19 335 comments

  1. dumbhead
    19 October 2020 11:21
    can anyone give some HVH CFGS?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 17:29
      HVH on osiris xD?D

      1. NoNameLmao
        Real Cheater
        NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
        21 October 2020 15:07
        there are some pull requests from source code on github that have some things like rage aa, resolver, other stuff for rage, not many of them are working tho and you have to manually put all the code into the right files, then compile it all and inject.

    2. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      20 October 2020 10:14
      Men u gonna get the ban if u play with the rage

  2. `Tr`Joker
    18 October 2020 20:49
    can owervach attendants appear on Osiris watch list

    1. iamnobodyxdd
      Real Cheater
      19 October 2020 00:43
      Overwatch happens after the match.

      I'm not sure about GOTV though if that's what you're talking about.

    2. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 04:28
      Yes it can appear on Overwatch.

  3. The Random Stor
    18 October 2020 17:15
    Me and my friend both used this hack. We used the skin changer and only outlines to make enemy easy visible (not walls) and we also got VAC banned on our prime ccounts. LOL. I also used sazinjector to bypass it, obviously didn't work.

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 18:10
      Download newest injector and osiris.
      Did you get VAC (yellow) banned or overwatch banned (red)?
      If VAC banned it must be your injector or old version of osiris just update everything.

    2. kalashnikovs
      18 October 2020 18:55
      Not use sazinyector, use CSGhost v2 is 100% recommendable

      1. nuncalembrodisto
        19 October 2020 01:35

    3. ariss
      18 October 2020 20:37
      its been a while that skin changer got detected

      1. manuel telecuache
        Real Cheater
        19 October 2020 14:04
        YO EH USADO osiris desde hace 6 meses en una cuenta que cree justamente para usar este truco deje mi cuenta principal por 6 meses a dia de hoy me sigue intacta la cuenta disimulo perfectamente y uso skin changer

    4. LuiiZ
      19 October 2020 00:42
      I use ProcessHack and never got VAC

      1. sakshi
        19 October 2020 09:37
        Bro can u mail me what u r using ?

  4. NoNameLmao
    Real Cheater
    NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
    18 October 2020 15:39
    Its a good cheat for legit hacking (Not for hvh though, as it doesnt have a rage anti-aim and resolver and stuff like that)
    Also is open-source on github, can be edited and compiled (adding some nice things into it from pull requests)
    I recommend using it, just finding a good undetected injector (Also can be used with onetap if needed, first inject onetap then osiris, just a cool thing)

    1. kualat
      18 October 2020 16:06
      wait? u can use 2 cheats as one?

      i tried using porject infinity + 420cheats// i got vacced ban

      1. iamnobodyxdd
        Real Cheater
        19 October 2020 00:44
        Yes, you can. As long as both cheats are able to dual inject properly and not get undetected. Always check before you play with dual inject, because a lot of things won't work sometimes (like if you dual inject osiris and onetap crack).

      2. NinjaIsaCoder
        Real Cheater
        19 October 2020 08:15
        i've never got banned from project infinity lmao

  5. manuel telecuache
    Real Cheater
    18 October 2020 15:32
    All the retards who say it is DETECTABLE, USE bypass¡¡¡¡¡

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      18 October 2020 18:12
      Or newest injector and newest osiris

  6. andy85732
    18 October 2020 15:23
    This chet have miner s dont use. is a shit

    1. NoNameLmao
      Real Cheater
      NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
      18 October 2020 15:34
      maybe it's just your pc being so cheap and slow and outdated
      like lmao

    2. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      19 October 2020 12:10
      You're not the clown, you're the entire circus.

  7. Dominusgaming
    Real Cheater
    18 October 2020 14:26
    it updated.. but its still highly detectable.. so i suggest yall using the osiris light.. that one is much more undetectable than this... although lots of features got removed.. skin changer and yall.. but its still a very good undetected cheat..

  8. abdurahman
    18 October 2020 12:09
    only legit???

  9. aaaa0919
    Real Cheater
    18 October 2020 10:27
    thank u sir ^^
    love love

  10. SelcukBugra
    18 October 2020 07:18
    The game closes when you inject

    1. NoNameLmao
      Real Cheater
      NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
      21 October 2020 15:09
      inject in the main menu (not in the match), if it happens again then try another injector

  11. ranjeee
    17 October 2020 22:38
    pls killaura (hiana) hack ?????

  12. hasloto12345678
    17 October 2020 21:16
    Detected 5 times, always newest version


    1. pablo12p
      17 October 2020 22:51
      que injector usaste

    2. NoNameLmao
      Real Cheater
      NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
      18 October 2020 15:36
      It is probably your injector being detected.
      Try to use any other cheat but using the same injector (Like OTCv3, onetap crack v3)
      If you will keep getting VAC banned/VAC auth errors then it's 100% your injector.

    3. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      19 October 2020 12:14
      Get a better injector, recommend using CSGhost or SazInjector

    17 October 2020 17:33
    Do i have to disable real time protection? Please say no.

    1. king1919djdj
      17 October 2020 19:26
      add the dll to exceptions

    2. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      19 October 2020 12:48
      Disable firewall lol

  14. bladez1471
    Real Cheater
    bladez1471 · 私はゲイです#7874
    17 October 2020 12:39
    i wanna try this cheat on a prime account but i'm scared, any suggestions to prove me wrong?

    1. AlexRest
      17 October 2020 13:15
      I use this cheat on prime, I hit global elite and sold the account ;p

    2. BorooBoss
      17 October 2020 14:49
      i was legit cheating on this alt acc not obv and anything like that used csh injector and after 3 months i got banned so its not rly safe but u can try
      h ttps://steamcommunity.com/id/inciting (just remove that space there to see the vac ban)

      1. nuncalembrodisto
        19 October 2020 01:42
        se demorou 3 meses para ser banido significa que caio no overwatch ,o cheat é indetectavel

      2. manuel telecuache
        Real Cheater
        19 October 2020 14:13
        LLEVO 6 meses soy SUPREMO disimulo perfectamente y todabia, no me dan VAC

    3. manuel telecuache
      Real Cheater
      17 October 2020 17:26
      DISCORD: IVAN#6131 yo uso este truco desde SILVER 4 hasta a dia de hoy que soy aguila disimulando obviamente

    4. VipperPC
      17 October 2020 19:50
      i tried and ... after one mouth VAC

    5. iamnobodyxdd
      Real Cheater
      17 October 2020 21:45
      Just use VAC Bypass and you'll be mostly safe.

    6. noyangg
      18 October 2020 11:46
      dont risk it

    7. paulygon
      19 October 2020 00:24
      Just use legit settings. Don't blatantly use aimbot and walls, check corners always, or just use radar and a bit of soft aim or trigger. Osiris won't be detected as long as you have a good bypass and injector, so yeah don't worry bout it being detected, but worry about overwatch.

  15. erdnaknight
    17 October 2020 01:53
    my gam is crashing

  16. Denyz670
    16 October 2020 19:04
    how do u open?
    ins dont work

    1. manuel telecuache
      Real Cheater
      17 October 2020 17:27
      IVAN#6131 DISCORD

  17. LizaS
    16 October 2020 18:59
    Are there still FPS Drops? Just checking 'cause I haven't checked since last year.

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      16 October 2020 19:08
      then why are you not checking it?

    2. prince22
      17 October 2020 09:31
      nop no 90fps ez with low config

  18. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    16 October 2020 18:56
    i would like to have occluded chams again

  19. ir0ncsgo
    16 October 2020 17:54
    pls update the offsets

  20. buzmik
    16 October 2020 16:16
    how to use bros

  21. marrosamana
    16 October 2020 14:15
    Game has been updated and this does not function. Please, update it 10/16/2020

    1. ociranirak
      Real Cheater
      16 October 2020 14:22
      it's work perfect. :)

        16 October 2020 17:06
        how do you use the dll file?

        1. yhdchtgb6ynuv
          16 October 2020 18:23
          inject it with csghost

      2. Denyz670
        16 October 2020 19:03
        how do u open?

        1. 4rdackrxx
          17 October 2020 13:32
          press insert

  22. Alqumo
    16 October 2020 13:50
    yeeeeeees is god

  23. ociranirak
    Real Cheater
    16 October 2020 12:45
    @Daniel - when will an update be released ?
    out of pure interest. Everything is currently undetected.

  24. jhon_____
    16 October 2020 04:03

  25. Mahmoud912
    16 October 2020 02:33
    Game is update .update please

  26. Obi boi
    15 October 2020 21:37
    i know this may sound dumb but how do i use the aimbot?

    1. gamerkid69
      15 October 2020 22:33
      sex with dog

      1. Obi boi
        16 October 2020 01:07
        Thanks, very useful
        Here is your gold reddit sir

        1. oobe23
          Real Cheater
          oobe23 · doovid#1234
          16 October 2020 15:24
          Make sure you have the "aimlock" box checked and turn up your fov

          1. gaynigger69420
            Real Cheater
            16 October 2020 20:48
            lol aimlock is not legit cheating

      2. Ghator666
        Real Cheater
        Ghator666 · Iagomoreiravipper#0152
        16 October 2020 18:32
        Hi, I'm special agent Schiavon, we would like to know your address to talk a little. Thanks

    2. UnKn0wN_2
      16 October 2020 07:42
      click aimbot enable
      drag the fov to maximum
      smoothness to 1
      and done I think

    3. Bagricek007
      16 October 2020 08:36
      Let me explain.
      1.Click Aimbot
      2.Set it on Silent
      3.Set the key which u want
      3. in bar called FOV, make it on from 5-10 how do u want
      4.Turn off scoped only

    4. manuel telecuache
      Real Cheater
      17 October 2020 17:29

    5. paulygon
      19 October 2020 00:26
      What I notice with most new Osiris users, is that they complain the aimbot isn't working. The main reason why, is because you still have the FOV set at 0.0 which is how wide the aimbot will work from the center of your crosshair. Set it to around 1.50 to 2.50 and by then the aimbot will work.

  27. _Dilaw__XQ
    _Dilaw__XQ · dilaw_xq
    15 October 2020 20:05
    first time i Get Vac banned after 1 year with this cheat its amazing but its a bit dangerous lol

    1. pablo12p
      15 October 2020 21:14
      que injector usaste si me podes decir

      1. _Dilaw__XQ
        _Dilaw__XQ · dilaw_xq
        17 October 2020 01:06
        What ?
        i didn't understand

        1. Neal_
          17 October 2020 13:58
          what is ur injector cheat ?

  28. SalutBaiBaieti
    15 October 2020 17:37
    what buttons do I have to press to open it?

    1. macik
      Real Cheater
      macik · Dojarz#0887
      15 October 2020 18:45
      You have to press Insert to open the menu.

  29. abouche
    15 October 2020 14:57
    itis this hack who is detected or itis my injector CSGhost???

    1. manuel telecuache
      Real Cheater
      16 October 2020 04:33
      Si eres lo suficientemente retrasado para jugar RAGE es obvio que te van a dar VAC de Overwach

      1. abouche
        18 October 2020 20:05
        okkkkkk gracias por la ayuda

  30. actuallyicheatoffline
    Real Cheater
    15 October 2020 10:41
    just use legit options to have a low chance of getting banned lol

    1. kualat
      16 October 2020 03:15
      well,there is no rage option so yea use the legit option bryh

New Comments
josipcilic2 josipcilic2

plise add untunred cheats a lot people will install it from this site that game is poular now in 2025 alll unturned servers are almost full plise add some cheats we need itt

zuhu zuhu

you know its outdated right for like 2 years.