• Developer: danielkrupinski
  • Status:
  • Updated: 26.09.23
  • Current version: September 21, 2023

osiris csgo

In fact, we thought that already posted this free cheat OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CS:GO, but it turns out it is not in our file archive. That is why we are glad to provide you with a free working hack OSIRIS MULTIHACK on CSGO which you can download from our website without any additional downloads. All you need to know about this hack is that it works all the functions at the time of its publication on our website, you can edit and configure absolutely any function through the hack menu, which is called on the Insert key. This free hacks csgo is available for free.

The most top-end and highly customizable features are Aimbot and Wallhack (ESP). On the screenshot you can see beautiful visual effects, you can also customize them yourself. See full instructions under the spoiler. Good luck!

How do I open menu?

Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window.

Where is my config file saved?

Configuration files are saved inside Osiris folder in your Documents folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Osiris)

Download Osiris Configs: https://anonym.ninja/download/Z8nfBHinDQGlQix

How not to get banned?

To avoid being banned in the CS:GO use the VAC Bypass Loader to do this and you will be able to protect your account from being banned.

Features Osiris:

  • Aimbot - aim assistance
  • Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
  • Backtrack - abuse lag compensation to move players back in time
  • Glow- render glow effect on entities
  • Chams - color player models to improve visibility
  • Stream Proof ESP - show information about players, dropped weapons and projectiles
  • Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
  • Skin changer - change weapon skins, knives and stickers
  • Sound - modify volume of certain sound effects
  • Style - select menu window layout and colors
  • Misc - miscellaneous features
  • Config - JSON-based configuration system


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19 335 comments

  1. GamingPlaying
    21 October 2020 21:37
    when i inject the cheat nothing happens

    1. yuvraj56
      22 October 2020 15:17
      press insert button

  2. gardaş
    21 October 2020 16:46
    çok iyi abi efsoooooooooooooooooo

  3. NoNameLmao
    Real Cheater
    NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
    21 October 2020 15:29
    Unnoficial F.A.Q. (v1)

    Q - When I try to inject, the game closes/crashes, how to fix that?
    A - Inject it ONLY in the main menu while not in a match. If the game still crashes, download a new injector.

    Q - How exactly do I open the cheat menu?
    A - While you are focused on the CS:GO window, press the button Insert, that will open the menu (make sure to inject it first tho lol)

    Q - (not really a question) its detected
    A - Update your injector drrrrrr

    Q - Is there a source code for Osiris?
    A - https://github.com/danielkrupinski/Osiris (More info on it in README.md)

    Q - Does it work on faceit?
    A - No.

    Q - Can you inject it with any other cheat?
    A - Currently I tested it to be injectable with OTCv3 (onetap crack v3) but you have to do it in this order - First onetap, then osiris (all in the main menu as i said earlier)

    Q - (not really a question) fps drops a lot after injecting
    A - Stop lying, just accept that your PC is outdated. If you think that it is good enough, then probably it is a problem with the map you are playing/you have multiple enemies rendered at the same time

    Q - Can it be used in HVH?
    A - Not really, as it is only a legit cheat, but you can either grab a pull request with hvh stuffs from github and manually paste all the code in, then compile it and inject, or just make a semirage config yourself

    If you have more questions - Comment them, I'll add them in the next Unofficial F.A.Q. 

    1. loooqxy
      21 October 2020 21:35
      CS: GO game with about 200 fps and when I inject Osiris that number drops a lot, like 60 fps

    2. iamnobodyxdd
      Real Cheater
      22 October 2020 01:50
      It does have very strong fps drop, from around 33% to around 40%. I personally use a GTX 1060 and a Ryzen 7 3700x (yes I'm going to upgrade the GPU after RTX 3000 series is actually available lmao)
      This is due to the hooking methods of the cheat. If you really want to fix it, then you will have to edit the source to have the old hooking methods instead of the new ones, in exchange for detectablilty. However, you can always use VAC Bypass, if you can find it anyway.

    3. GraxBy
      Real Cheater
      22 October 2020 16:29
      Saz injector newest version, osiris newest version, vac banned yes, very detected yes

  4. furkany
    21 October 2020 14:15
    pleas reverse crack .

  5. Blablabla26
    21 October 2020 12:13
    im in laptop i cant press insert\

    1. fayderyze
      21 October 2020 15:22
      that's INS in laptop

  6. aaaa0919
    Real Cheater
    21 October 2020 11:22


    cobblestone cant aimlock @@

  7. twitch7511
    21 October 2020 06:40
    its crashing when i inject it. anyone know why?

    1. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      21 October 2020 08:04
      Get a better injector

    2. NoNameLmao
      Real Cheater
      NoNameLmao · NoNameLmao#0655
      21 October 2020 15:10
      inject in the main menu of csgo (not in a match), if it happens again get another injector

  8. Blablabla26
    21 October 2020 03:21
    how can i inject it?

  9. LowRange
    21 October 2020 03:07
    does it still have stream proof esp?

  10. AhmY
    AhmY · ImAhmY#6441
    20 October 2020 22:40
    Probably add Jump Bug, Edge Bug and Edge Jump on this cheat it will be good and Movement Recorded if it is possible

    1. lambda
      Real Cheater
      lambda · soda#0495
      20 October 2020 23:36
      try making a paste with osiris source adding these features, and edge jump is already in the cheat

      1. king1919djdj
        21 October 2020 11:53
        but is buggy as hell  it doesn't work 40-45% of the time

        1. lambda
          Real Cheater
          lambda · soda#0495
          24 October 2020 05:36
          idk, i dont use that option

  11. kbmcsgo
    20 October 2020 21:14
    "Press INSERT while focused on CS:GO window."
    i dont udestand this, how do i open the menu exactly?

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      20 October 2020 23:58
      When you cheat is injected press "Ins" or "insert" key it's above your arrows

    2. xp0s
      21 October 2020 13:17
      after you inject it into CSGO, open CSGO and then press insert

  12. leoquee
    20 October 2020 20:43
    working on faceit?

    1. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      21 October 2020 07:53
      No, just play normal matchmaking or what

  13. mrkan
    20 October 2020 19:57
    Detected long time ago

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      20 October 2020 20:14
      Propably you dont even know when last time you have updated your injector

      1. GraxBy
        Real Cheater
        22 October 2020 16:30
        Saz injector newest version, osiris newest version, vac banned yes, very detected yes

        1. eth3re
          23 October 2020 00:39
          If you are using osiris on an account that you care about its your own problem. 

  14. dosiapeek
    20 October 2020 15:07
    Honestly the best free legit/rage cheat so far. I haven't had any issues with VAC. 4/5

    1. pablo12p
      20 October 2020 18:55
      que injector usas amigo

      1. cheaterAR
        20 October 2020 19:15
        el mejor es Sazz injector, nunca me banearon con ese.

  15. dosiapeek
    20 October 2020 13:31
    Best free legit cheat period.

  16. darkmaisteR
    darkmaisteR · DixiEE#5244
    20 October 2020 13:08
    i think its best free legit cheat, with great A-T <3
    i recommend this cheats for good legits guys

  17. actuallyicheatoffline
    Real Cheater
    20 October 2020 10:18
    I would recommend you guys to try the rage option on offline with bots, i know its boring since they are not real players but idk what to do.

  18. babacıq
    20 October 2020 10:11

  19. Mersoht
    20 October 2020 09:33
    i dont understand why people download this , but ok

    1. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      20 October 2020 10:11
      Uhh this is a cheat site where ppl download cheats, ofcourse they will download this bruh.

  20. lambda
    Real Cheater
    lambda · soda#0495
    20 October 2020 06:57
    i recommend using skeleton esp or glow if this cheat doesnt have occluded chams, its like the same fucking thing lmfao its just an esp

  21. Faresghiles
    19 October 2020 23:23
    can u restore the visible and occluded thingy in Chams please ? ty :) ♥

    1. xp0s
      21 October 2020 13:18
      just check the "Ignore-Z" button on Chams

  22. patryolol
    19 October 2020 22:03
    I have low fps when i am using it

  23. raul121212
    19 October 2020 21:05
    can you play faceit with this?

    1. zuhn2k
      20 October 2020 07:39
      No, u cannot use this on Faceit

    2. actuallyicheatoffline
      Real Cheater
      20 October 2020 10:13
      Bruh just play normal matchmaking or what

  24. LizaS
    19 October 2020 18:18
    Yo, can someone tell me what is the Incremental load option in the Config section?

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      19 October 2020 19:40
      idk, i am not a programmer

  25. ZetaDZ
    19 October 2020 17:53
    please, just end this cheat, literally vac banned in a week on my non prime acc lol, wnated to know how shit this cheat is.

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      19 October 2020 19:38
      In october 15 i injected this cheat on the menu, and then my csgo crashed
      and today i got vac ban lol

    2. gaynigger69420
      Real Cheater
      20 October 2020 05:45
      shit injector get a better one like cs ghost 2.4 and vac bypass

      1. Axelmuga2
        Real Cheater
        Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
        20 October 2020 15:05
        i use csghost 2.6 and vac bypass and still vac

  26. doman991
    Real Cheater
    doman991 · doman991#4236
    19 October 2020 17:32
    Make sure you are using newest undetected injectors otherwise you can get VAC banned.

    1. ZetaDZ
      19 October 2020 17:51
      shit cheat anyways, you get a vac ban anyways when you use a dtected cheat, doesnt matter if you use vac bypass loader

      1. Faresghiles
        19 October 2020 23:25
        dude stfu please it's a good cheat u r just dumb that's all

      2. doman991
        Real Cheater
        doman991 · doman991#4236
        20 October 2020 02:19
        You get overwatch ban and cry because you dont know how to play with cheats. I think bypaser is one of these functions that are only there to make you stick to that cheat.

      3. actuallyicheatoffline
        Real Cheater
        20 October 2020 10:17
        Dude please shut the heck up, not all free cheats are shit, osiris is good enough for legit hacking (not being an osiris fan fyi) and its ur injectors problem not the cheat

  27. ranjeee
    19 October 2020 16:53
    Killaura.host ??????

    1. Axelmuga2
      Real Cheater
      Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
      19 October 2020 17:18
      N N N O O
      N N N O O

  28. Axelmuga2
    Real Cheater
    Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
    19 October 2020 14:15
    why do people are still defending this cheat?
    i just injected in the menu in october 15 with VAC Bypasser and i still got vac banned
    i do not recommend using this

    1. doman991
      Real Cheater
      doman991 · doman991#4236
      19 October 2020 16:13
      There is 3 options:
      1) You go Mad max and got Overwatch banned
      2) Your injector sucks
      3) Its detected
      I hope you know diffrent between VAC and Overwatch ban
      and bypasser its a scam

      1. Axelmuga2
        Real Cheater
        Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
        19 October 2020 16:17
        I have the link to the account
        h t t p s : / / s t e a m c o m m u n i t y . c o m / p r o f i l e s / 7 6 5 6 1 1 9 9 0 9 8 0 5 3 3 9 0 /

        1. Axelmuga2
          Real Cheater
          Axelmuga2 · [Skilln't] AxelmugA#8292
          19 October 2020 16:18
          wait a sec, let me see if that is the right link

          edit: ok now that's the link to the account

          1. doman991
            Real Cheater
            doman991 · doman991#4236
            19 October 2020 17:28
            hmm ok this is VAC ban not overwatch ban lol. change injector maybe?

      2. BorooBoss
        19 October 2020 18:34
        @doman991 h ttps://steamcommunity.com/id/inciting my PRIME alt got also banned and i used csh injector (still says UNDETECTED)so pls dont learn us how to use detected cheat, u have no clue

        1. gaynigger69420
          Real Cheater
          20 October 2020 05:46
          it says undetected but not, use a injector like cs ghost 2.4

          1. Dominusgaming
            Real Cheater
            21 October 2020 05:34
            r u an idiot? cs ghost 2.4? that shit detected m8

    2. fie
      19 October 2020 23:53
      Bypassers are fake lol, you are literally retarted.

  29. NekoGirl
    19 October 2020 14:02
    Really good cheat, if you love tweaking almost every aspect of your cheats then this is for you. Sadly the aimbot isnt that good and antiaim is pretty much non existent. Skin changer is really good with sticker editor built into it. Overall i recommend for legit play and skin changing. HvH is not possible on this.

  30. amojiz
    19 October 2020 11:41
    Global cooldown

    1. manuel telecuache
      Real Cheater
      19 October 2020 14:02
      If you play rage it's obvious

New Comments
josipcilic2 josipcilic2

plise add untunred cheats a lot people will install it from this site that game is poular now in 2025 alll unturned servers are almost full plise add some cheats we need itt

zuhu zuhu

you know its outdated right for like 2 years.