Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

  • Developer: nitro
  • Status:
  • Updated: 02.03.23
  • Current version: 1.0.7

Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

We are pleased to bring you the new free cheat Acrepi for the game Genshin Impact. This is a completely free cheat with great functionality and ongoing support from the developers of this hack. This cheat is built on the basis of the popular Akebi hack, which is currently a private hack and the developers decided to release a free version of the Acrepi cheat.

Acrepi Genshin Impact cheat

Hack Acrepi Genshin Impact is a universal cheat with a user-friendly menu and a large selection of cheat functions.

Functions of the Acrepi hack:


  • Attack Effects
  • AutoRun
  • Cooldown Effects
  • Full-Control
  • God Mode
  • Infinite Stamina
  • No-Clip


  • Auto Challenge
  • Auto Cook
  • Auto Destroy Objects
  • Auto Fish
  • Auto Loot
  • Auto Seelie
  • Auto Talk
  • Auto Tree Farm
  • Fake Time
  • Game Speed
  • Kill Aura
  • Mob Vacuum
  • Vacuum Loot
  • Other


  • Oculi Teleport
  • Chest Teleport
  • Custom Teleports
  • Map Teleport
  • Quest Teleport

ESP (Visuals)

  • Animation Changer
  • Browser
  • Camera Zoom
  • Custom Profile
  • Custom Weather
  • Emotion Changer
  • FPS Unlock
  • Fly cloak Modifier
  • Free Camera
  • Skin Modifier
  • Texture changer
  • Other
  • Hotkeys

How to use: 

Download binaries archive, unpack where you want. Close genshin if you have opened. Run injector.exe, select genshin executable file (not launcher).

By default, cheat menu open by F1 key.

Update Acrepi v1.0.7

 - Fixed mouse going outside of the game window

 - Fixed Instant Bow Charge crash

 - Fixed Auto Cooking error

 - Fixed Input issues, like being able to not alt tab or keys being held after the menu was open

 - Fixed interactive map not checking things as completed

 - Fixed smaller issues that are too irrelevant to mention here

The project is closed!

New Kebabi cheat Genshin Impact  ✔️ 

Free Download Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

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Comments: 323 Views: 156 506


  1. agjulan
    23 March 2023 02:01

    how do i run the injector it just says, "Found 'GenshinImpact.exe' process. Waiting for closing..."

    1. SnapshotMe
      Real Cheater
      25 March 2023 11:38

      you need to close genshin impact, because the injector is a launcher
      it needs to bypass anticheat so why it starts the game open your game via using injector.exe

  2. leinadgh
    23 March 2023 01:15

    Mine are closing someone can help me?

  3. leandrofialhosad
    21 March 2023 02:42


  4. Amir45op
    18 March 2023 21:04

    so why when i press F1 nothing happen?


    1. deddrin
      19 March 2023 15:26

      Have you deleted all settings and reinstalled? because f1 works

  5. 1184280034
    17 March 2023 19:35

    God cheat

  6. Amir45op
    17 March 2023 16:29

    guys some one       helpppppp 

    why when i press F1 it dosent show the menu 

    iv been waiting for 2 weeks for someone to answer 

  7. Kazuha017
    17 March 2023 15:31

    There nothing wrong, i've using this cheat for almost 3 weeks but nothing wrong and don't use skin because it can ban, so read before you use it

  8. Amir45op
    16 March 2023 15:59

    AnimeDroid      do you know how i use the menu .  when i press F1 it dosent show up , 

    how do you use it?

  9. zowji
    16 March 2023 12:25

    I haven't used the cheat yet today, but there was a small update and I'm unsure if it's still safe for it to be used so I'll be waiting until the owner says something.

  10. AnimeDroid
    16 March 2023 00:28

    I can't see any reply so comment after me .  does the cheat still work? i got a 7 day ban dont want to risk it.i only used the basic stuff like dmg god mode , unmimited stem hp, and skin. and abyss. Kindly Help.

    i saw there was 6 reply but still, I could not see waht you guys wrote. T_T

    1. hhhAru
      16 March 2023 09:08

      yeah it still work, but i read some comments that we should wait for the next update version.. so idk whther it really safe or not

    2. zumiyoi
      16 March 2023 09:31

      Don't use cheats on the abyss I'd say. 

    3. Imron
      16 March 2023 16:17

      You should read some comments below. Apparently modifying / using skin guaranteed you to get ban because you tampering with data game files.

      I'm myself using this tools around 3 weeks and works fine. I'm using it for exploration such as locating culus, chest also using it for Abyss (with following settings : Instant Cooldown, God Mode, 2x Attack Speed) without getting ban.

      Some tips from me when you about to use this cheat: Always check whether Genshin Launcher has update, or Genshin Home Screen has update. If it has update, avoid using the cheat until the developer made another patch to this tools. Hope it helps. 

      1. shikanichikara
        20 March 2023 13:32

        I maxed out everything and also using skin. Ive been using it for a month nothing happened like honestly

    4. madokaname
      16 March 2023 17:06

      Skin is prohibited. You'll get banned from using it

    5. BMTHPeppe
      17 March 2023 01:17

      well, that doesnt count like basic stuff. abyss is risky imo.

      also, someone said skins are risky too. i have never been banned, did u use it while there was the new patch (3.5) and without the new update of acrepi? if so, well, u havent waited enough

      1. shikanichikara
        20 March 2023 13:36

        yea, Im using kill aura and insta kill, game speed in open world, auto collect loot, audto destroy ores etc, loot and mob vaccum, no CD, plus skin. Used it in abyss. Its been a month never been banned (yet)

  11. Kouzehn
    15 March 2023 13:30

    I get error ' Failed to create game process.. Error: 6' anyone know how to fix??

  12. deddrin
    14 March 2023 13:03

    nicely done. i use few months. i not use abyss

  13. xXBambusligaXx
    13 March 2023 21:45

    How do i use the ingame browser?

    1. AnimeDroid
      16 March 2023 00:21

      Same . how do i use it? what does it do?

  14. Amir45op
    11 March 2023 23:40

    guys can you pls help me with this 

    why when i press F1 the menu dosent show up? 

    pls answer 

  15. SavitarGos
    11 March 2023 19:32

    Dont use skin changer, it will ban you 100% of the time.

    Its considerd tampering with game files and 3rd paryt apps.

  16. Ghalaster
    11 March 2023 11:55

    I cant figure out how to use it. Post a video on how to download it.

  17. Kawamotosk
    10 March 2023 06:05

    dude i was using a Chinese version of GI but cannot get the path automatically and when it came to mannual i could found the launcher.exe by myself but it didn't work from the cmd and showed nothing even i dragged the .exe out of the fold individually. BTW my version is 3.5 and anticipating a reply. Much thx 

  18. Kawamotosk
    10 March 2023 05:54

    Much appreciation and have a question about whether it's useful in the 3.5 version 😀

  19. nanis
    9 March 2023 18:37

    we can't play with the cheat for the moment?

  20. kiomaru1
    9 March 2023 18:30

    is it still undetected ?

  21. BMTHPeppe
    9 March 2023 16:11

    New Genshin Update, i didnt open it, but i reccommend not to do it until we get a new release of acrepi.

    Last time genshin got a new update acrepi guys released the 1.0.7 and it worked perfectly fine. ill wait for the new update. ty so much for ur work guys.

  22. asta90
    9 March 2023 16:06

    when will the update appear?

  23. DamionG1
    9 March 2023 15:37

    Thanks Very Much for the cheat. Its great as usual with no hiccups :)

  24. prouppaquev
    8 March 2023 21:23


  25. kurdemati
    8 March 2023 19:50

    so now we all are waiting for update for 3.5 . . . hope it will be released soon

    1. Alcanta33
      9 March 2023 13:06

      Uhm, pal, you may have missed it, but this has been working for 3.5 since almost the day it was released :O

  26. Shashev
    8 March 2023 15:27

    not working anymore

  27. TheHornyGuy
    8 March 2023 10:51

    Is it just me or BOW Cooldown crashes the game?
    have it at the default value, crashes always whenever I try to shoot a charged shot(tried it with ganyu diona & 1 more)

  28. 2104982690
    7 March 2023 13:03

    Thanks for cheating, I will continue to follow you, this cheat has made the game smoother

  29. Amir45op
    7 March 2023 12:10

    bro when i press F1 it dosent workkkk

  30. Amir45op
    7 March 2023 09:38

    guys when i press F1 it dosent show up the menu