Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

  • Developer: nitro
  • Status:
  • Updated: 02.03.23
  • Current version: 1.0.7

Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

We are pleased to bring you the new free cheat Acrepi for the game Genshin Impact. This is a completely free cheat with great functionality and ongoing support from the developers of this hack. This cheat is built on the basis of the popular Akebi hack, which is currently a private hack and the developers decided to release a free version of the Acrepi cheat.

Acrepi Genshin Impact cheat

Hack Acrepi Genshin Impact is a universal cheat with a user-friendly menu and a large selection of cheat functions.

Functions of the Acrepi hack:


  • Attack Effects
  • AutoRun
  • Cooldown Effects
  • Full-Control
  • God Mode
  • Infinite Stamina
  • No-Clip


  • Auto Challenge
  • Auto Cook
  • Auto Destroy Objects
  • Auto Fish
  • Auto Loot
  • Auto Seelie
  • Auto Talk
  • Auto Tree Farm
  • Fake Time
  • Game Speed
  • Kill Aura
  • Mob Vacuum
  • Vacuum Loot
  • Other


  • Oculi Teleport
  • Chest Teleport
  • Custom Teleports
  • Map Teleport
  • Quest Teleport

ESP (Visuals)

  • Animation Changer
  • Browser
  • Camera Zoom
  • Custom Profile
  • Custom Weather
  • Emotion Changer
  • FPS Unlock
  • Fly cloak Modifier
  • Free Camera
  • Skin Modifier
  • Texture changer
  • Other
  • Hotkeys

How to use: 

Download binaries archive, unpack where you want. Close genshin if you have opened. Run injector.exe, select genshin executable file (not launcher).

By default, cheat menu open by F1 key.

Update Acrepi v1.0.7

 - Fixed mouse going outside of the game window

 - Fixed Instant Bow Charge crash

 - Fixed Auto Cooking error

 - Fixed Input issues, like being able to not alt tab or keys being held after the menu was open

 - Fixed interactive map not checking things as completed

 - Fixed smaller issues that are too irrelevant to mention here

The project is closed!

New Kebabi cheat Genshin Impact  ✔️ 

Free Download Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

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  1. Absolutefire
    22 January 2023 17:02

    Anyone having troubles with crashing, try longer delay in cfg. The injector literally tells you to do that. Worked fine by me.

  2. PinkTransparentLaceBriefs
    22 January 2023 12:38

    the game crashed while loading after logging in. if the initialization delay is slower than the game loading, it can work, but the AutoSelectDialog function will cause the game to crash.

    1. hautrus
      22 January 2023 15:25

      try longer delay in cfg.ini

  3. Beyza
    22 January 2023 12:25

    How ı will download binaries archive?? From where??

  4. sabery
    22 January 2023 10:34

    crash in the loading screen, China version

  5. ZIHAN
    22 January 2023 07:37

    I need help uploader. There is a debug notification showing on my hack screen. But hack still worked sometimes I got kicked out of the game.

  6. popo1234428296
    22 January 2023 06:09

    Kept crashing during loading.

  7. maxshelter
    22 January 2023 04:53

    Thank you very much, Acrepi, for continuing this project for free. Maybe other people didn't think much about it, but because I live in a third-world country, finding a free trainer or hack is difficult because many of us don't have enough time to play the game full-time. We only play the game maybe two times a week, and the rest is work. But what happened after I discovered Akebi had gone private with a 7-day and 30-day subscription, despite the fact that I only played it on weekdays? very sad man. Luckily, I read on their discord that there is a free one, which is Acrepi. Thanks a lot.

  8. tina1987
    21 January 2023 22:15

    I have this: Failed to detect any game version. Make sure that Acrepi has been updated for current game version, and that you downloaded the correct one.

  9. Senyume
    21 January 2023 21:23

    im stuck at the loading screen. can someone help?

    1. kamilmaf321
      29 January 2023 01:46

      me too can someone help?

      1. Senyume
        5 February 2023 00:12

        restart cheat until it works

    2. Senyume
      5 February 2023 00:12

      restart cheat until it works

  10. mms1355696306
    21 January 2023 15:25

    Ty for added China version support  ❤️  🥰 

  11. Rikku007
    21 January 2023 15:03

    i can't use this tool 

    i press F1 after injected but not have response gui

  12. Alcanta33
    21 January 2023 14:14

    Is this working for version 3.4 of the game too??

    1. Alcanta33
      21 January 2023 14:44

      Okay, checked it out myself and can confirm that it still works even in version 3.4. Questions, though, is there any way to change or remove the 'image' that shows up on the main menu when you first boot up the cheat? (Those who have tested it will know what I'm talking about) Also, did anyone get an error where their BGM suddenly stopped working after trying it out?

      1. Kovan
        21 January 2023 20:33

        It's literally only on the main screen, then it dissapears, also is a good feature.

  13. Shy Hungry Face
    21 January 2023 13:35

    Is it safe?

  14. edris_ej
    21 January 2023 11:48


  15. bahomoz10
    21 January 2023 10:57

    you bring life to me again ,thank u

  16. deddrin
    21 January 2023 10:41

    hackk Working properly. but why there are two 

    Warning! You are not allowed to view this text.

    1. eddhx
      Real Cheater
      21 January 2023 12:16

      Because akebi hack is now a private cheat and still some developers are kind/generous enough to post it free for us(I don't know how long). 

      Warning! You are not allowed to view this text.

  17. Dasein10
    21 January 2023 10:33

    How to solve the flashback problem, the delay has been opened very high or will flashback

  18. PinkTransparentLaceBriefs
    21 January 2023 09:00

    I think you can use Zoho WorkDrive instead of MEGA

  19. nanahack12
    20 January 2023 21:57

    which options are safe to use?

    1. eddhx
      Real Cheater
      21 January 2023 12:23

      Everything works same as of akebi cheat(If you have used). For now it's safe to use. Also, if you are new, every option has (?) info thing which provides the use case. For Abyss, dont finish it in secs and go blatant in coop.

  20. Alvin221
    20 January 2023 20:56

    Resource update please 

  21. vntruong3
    20 January 2023 19:33

    good job, go on with this, just a little bug about the tp, fix it pls

  22. Dasein10
    20 January 2023 19:10

    When is the next update?

  23. deddrin
    20 January 2023 17:34

    I'm stuck at the loading screen

    1. deddrin
      20 January 2023 18:24

      anyway its working but but a little bugy. quest tp. normal tp and auto talk not working or bug and sometimes the game ui is broken 

      1. Senyume
        21 January 2023 21:24
        what was the fix?

    2. mlambert
      21 January 2023 02:43

      Me too. Have you found a fix?

  24. xeno312
    20 January 2023 17:08

    quiest teleport not working cheat dont have any problem for me

  25. Goopa68
    20 January 2023 16:31

    my game crash in the loading screen , how can i do ?

    1. LunarSkyCast
      21 January 2023 09:35

      having the same issue

    2. sabery
      22 January 2023 11:00

      maybe you can try open cfg.ini file, and change InitializationDelayMS longer, make sure that it is enough for you to enter the game completely (you can operate the character)

  26. okanemoti
    20 January 2023 12:19

    There are bugs you can't use, such as the T-teleport, but the cheat version 1.00 is pretty excellent!

  27. Forsakened, I am Awakened
    20 January 2023 11:38

    don't know which I am supposed to believe the cheat itself or the virus. pretty much tempting since its functions are the same as the akebi cheat, but the cheat which has been scanned by virustotal showed trojan being in there so idk if its really a virus or just a cheat.

    1. Kovan
      20 January 2023 15:07

      I'm gonna copypaste something that I see on the discord of AKLite Project, so... yk about it

      Dear Friends. I would like to talk to you about the fact that Acrepi allegedly has a virus and generally visualize this topic to all cheats.

      First of all, never pour archives to online antivirus. It will not give you any adequate result.

      Secondly, every cheat is marked as a virus in one way or another and only antivirus, which is installed on your computer - can tell if this file is really malware.

      If you see on the same virustotal that scanning the file gave you a result with 7 infections and you do not see something like "Trojan, Malicious" there - do not be afraid. But sometimes there are exceptions, where a file can be marked as Trojan, but in fact it will be harmless.

      This happens because the file is embedded in the game process and because of that the antivirus considers it dangerous. 

      My point is that you should not trust online antivirus - trust yourself and Windows Defender. Thank you for your attention!

  28. hgfc
    20 January 2023 09:14

    wow those photos are really uncomfortable  😅  🤣 when you launch the cheat..i need to wait 5 to 10 min to disappear that photo or someone could see it 😓 

    1. LunarSkyCast
      21 January 2023 09:33

      exactly. Thats why im waiting for others. Since this one is wierd af

  29. ZIHAN
    20 January 2023 08:37

    Thank You Very Much. I Am About TO Try.

    I Am SO Lucky To Join This Group.

  30. s4nrt
    20 January 2023 08:34

    this cheat same as paid version but no debug fuck teleport bugging

    1. rednaxlayne
      20 January 2023 08:46

      So is the teleporting not working or something