Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

  • Developer: nitro
  • Status:
  • Updated: 02.03.23
  • Current version: 1.0.7

Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

We are pleased to bring you the new free cheat Acrepi for the game Genshin Impact. This is a completely free cheat with great functionality and ongoing support from the developers of this hack. This cheat is built on the basis of the popular Akebi hack, which is currently a private hack and the developers decided to release a free version of the Acrepi cheat.

Acrepi Genshin Impact cheat

Hack Acrepi Genshin Impact is a universal cheat with a user-friendly menu and a large selection of cheat functions.

Functions of the Acrepi hack:


  • Attack Effects
  • AutoRun
  • Cooldown Effects
  • Full-Control
  • God Mode
  • Infinite Stamina
  • No-Clip


  • Auto Challenge
  • Auto Cook
  • Auto Destroy Objects
  • Auto Fish
  • Auto Loot
  • Auto Seelie
  • Auto Talk
  • Auto Tree Farm
  • Fake Time
  • Game Speed
  • Kill Aura
  • Mob Vacuum
  • Vacuum Loot
  • Other


  • Oculi Teleport
  • Chest Teleport
  • Custom Teleports
  • Map Teleport
  • Quest Teleport

ESP (Visuals)

  • Animation Changer
  • Browser
  • Camera Zoom
  • Custom Profile
  • Custom Weather
  • Emotion Changer
  • FPS Unlock
  • Fly cloak Modifier
  • Free Camera
  • Skin Modifier
  • Texture changer
  • Other
  • Hotkeys

How to use: 

Download binaries archive, unpack where you want. Close genshin if you have opened. Run injector.exe, select genshin executable file (not launcher).

By default, cheat menu open by F1 key.

Update Acrepi v1.0.7

 - Fixed mouse going outside of the game window

 - Fixed Instant Bow Charge crash

 - Fixed Auto Cooking error

 - Fixed Input issues, like being able to not alt tab or keys being held after the menu was open

 - Fixed interactive map not checking things as completed

 - Fixed smaller issues that are too irrelevant to mention here

The project is closed!

New Kebabi cheat Genshin Impact  ✔️ 

Free Download Acrepi - The Best Free Genshin Impact Hack

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Comments: 322 Views: 154 343


  1. GenRamzi
    1 March 2023 09:12

    We need update for version 3.5

  2. thanuja madushan
    1 March 2023 08:29

    it's not working bro please update hurry!

    1. kcjpunk
      1 March 2023 22:41

      you from Sri Lanka?

  3. shikanichikara
    1 March 2023 08:07


  4. gu1ltyyyyy
    1 March 2023 07:17

    now outdated for 3.5

  5. MrShadow117
    1 March 2023 06:30

    Uptade pls

    Actualízalo pls

  6. lamerovski
    28 February 2023 23:37

    obv it is detected since ppl getting banned

  7. iforgotmyboots
    28 February 2023 05:36

    Got banned today. I think this has to do with the fact that Migoyo is taking these hacktools seriously so they can make more money. Just in time cause I'm planning on taking a rest. Genshin is becoming more of a chore nowadays. I really hope wuthering waves has an offline mode...

  8. TwighOlek
    28 February 2023 00:18

    got banned after about 3 days, only using esp for chests

  9. BMTHPeppe
    27 February 2023 19:10

    A friend of mine got banned for a month. me and another one didnt. we all have used the same hacks but some of us did many artifacts in few seconds. Probably that s one of the things i suggest not to do.

    I'll wait for the next update to use acrepi again.

    1. 143love
      27 February 2023 21:06

      there is a new update of Game Launcher thats why we got bann, u just need to patch the Launcher first and open the Cheat it's work i tryed it 

  10. 143love
    27 February 2023 19:01

    @everyone watch out by using it now idk if detected or just only me, i use the same setting everytime since i use it now i got bann for 1 month so i think it's Detected. Dont use it or risk it.

  11. Hertzloserengel
    27 February 2023 18:34

    I got banned and only used the inf stamina and the map Overlay

  12. Oichii
    27 February 2023 17:01

    Today I've been banned for 1 month. They can detect. I only use ESP and auto loot pickup (with human delay option)

  13. LuckyGamer25LG
    27 February 2023 09:52

    i have a question how long do you be banned for a month bc its says bannd period 2023-03-29

    1. Navez
      27 February 2023 17:24

      It literally says 1 month? Unless u mean after the one month ban then it's 15years ^^

  14. LunarSkyCast
    26 February 2023 18:19

    i and a friend got banned. its detected

    1. Ozensama
      27 February 2023 08:47

      really you got ban ?

      good to know I will stop using it till updated

      1. 143love
        27 February 2023 19:12

        u need to update the launcher first before u open the Cheat its working 

        1. whyshz
          28 February 2023 01:45

          i got banned today but i think its because i didn't update the launcher?

    2. jieshao1
      27 February 2023 10:56

      Me too

    3. Alcanta33
      27 February 2023 13:21

      Did you abuse the options that clearly have warnings about they being easy to detect or do something like clear all of the Abyss is under one minute every room? Because that's literally warned not to do before choosing some options, there are "?" marks that let you see if using certain ones puts you at risk or not.

  15. vapeblitz
    24 February 2023 20:46

    not working for me got patched or i did smth bad ?

    1. Neox0000
      25 February 2023 16:18

      Can you join the game? If so press f1

      If it crashes try increasing the delay in cfg.ini

  16. cupcakes
    23 February 2023 10:53

    Source code? I believe this version was changed compared to github's forks we can see

  17. carubon23
    20 February 2023 07:29

    cheat menu not show up

    1. DrakeBreath
      22 February 2023 10:29

      Click f1

      1. sultxn1
        17 March 2023 16:22

        I pressed F1 cheat wont show up

  18. sir.mouse
    19 February 2023 16:12

    it still undetected?

  19. roastduck
    19 February 2023 05:36


    1. 1482732977
      25 February 2023 03:22


  20. DamionG1
    17 February 2023 16:09

    so far so good. 3 weeks going no issues. just a bit on the sprint that you have to keep the mouse button down for it to work but other than that, once you keep within not using the high risk options you should be fine

  21. zowji
    16 February 2023 20:13

    has anyone used this cheat longer than a week and hasnt gotten banned?

    1. Norephu24
      17 February 2023 15:22

      1 month still safe, just using the cheat properly, dont use any feature that high risk

      1. Potchie0205
        17 February 2023 21:22

        Is there a secret high risk cheat that dont have the yellow note ? 

  22. omy
    16 February 2023 11:06

    Is it available on iphone ?

  23. bahomoz10
    15 February 2023 14:35

    ty for removing the front image in the beginning.

  24. PsychoLvlGod
    15 February 2023 04:10

    looks nothing like the pictures how do you edit this

  25. Potchie0205
    15 February 2023 00:34

    What cheat are guarranteed no bann i just wanna be extra careful not to get banned 


  26. sijan077
    14 February 2023 11:32

    is this hack safe??

    1. gottens1kem
      14 February 2023 11:43

      ye bro 

    2. InQisitor98
      14 February 2023 15:43

      Yep bro

    3. quanmanss
      23 February 2023 17:52

      Try it with a different account, I'm not sure xD 

  27. Heatt
    14 February 2023 04:50

    there is no injector.exe. where is it ?

    1. shikanichikara
      14 February 2023 11:56

      When your antivirus program is activated, suspicious files like inector.exe are immediately deleted. You have to exclude the file before opening it.

  28. macproa
    13 February 2023 19:37

    good cheat, sometime game crash

  29. artinf2
    13 February 2023 10:47

    the password 123 doesent work

  30. Karl19
    12 February 2023 05:34

    Do i need to terminate mhyprot3.Sys before injecting ?

    1. eddhx
      Real Cheater
      15 February 2023 22:04

      This hack is complete package. It will automatically do everything. You just need to start

New Comments
aaaa168167 aaaa168167

china ver cant work, Expected 0x18D573E7 'HOYOPLAY 1.4.0 CN', got 0x18D1E368 'UNKNOWN'.

EX_Kevin_IT EX_Kevin_IT

hey i could need some help wehn i click the req path it shows me the cmd onlay for 1 sec and i can see really really close a red line with error but then it closed it self instandly

landerv123 landerv123

all my anti virusses and anti malware programs about 10 that i have give 4 troyans.

its better then a other cheat software i wanted to try it had 73 warnings from troyan, id teft, login teft, and dropper warnings so this one looks safer but cant install it even turning off all 10 of them there passive stays one it runs all my new software in its own test and if its to bad wont allow it. i have had hacks that only windows sees as a troyan because it changes things to the game but where fine to my 10 other anti maleware programs. and this one isnt. so what does it change/plant that is to dangerous to be allowed.  because only 4 warnings arent that bad usely.

y35ser y35ser

good afternoon. First I wanted to thank you for giving us this hack, thank you very much! I have a question, is there a way to do god mode, and also have multiple hits? thanks again. <3